Chapter 11: The Devil's Tango

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~Emery's POV~

The longer I sit in the back seat next to Colin the more nervous and excited I become. I probably should be a bit more shaken from the accident but honestly, it has just exhilarated me. Life is short, or it can be, some idiot can run a stop sign and you can be gone so why wait? Why do so many people waste time on the perfect moment? Why do so many insist on postponing what they want or desire? I want to be with Colin even if the relationship is going to be complicated. We can sort that out.

"I have something for you," Colin says when we are a block away from his house.

I glance at him curiously.

He pulls from the front pocket of the seat in front of him a piece of paper passing it to me.

Rapid STD Test Results

Date: April 15th, 2023


Name: Colin Corrette

Gender: Male

Age: 29

DOB: 10.19.1994

Address: 401 Burling St, Chicago Illinois, 60614

License Number: n/a


Payment method: Credit Card

Payment Status: Paid in Full


HIV Early Detection: NEGATIVE


Herpes Simplex I: NEGATIVE

Herpes Simplex II: NEGATIVE

Chlamydia: NEGATIVE

Gonorrhea: NEGATIVE

Syphilis: NEGATIVE

Hepatitis A: NEGATIVE

Hepatitis B: NEGATIVE

Genital Herpes: NEGATIVE


Trichomoniasis: NEGATIVE

I look over the sheet, a little bit of blush reddening my cheeks. What exactly am I supposed to say in response to this? "Thanks, but in the future, I'm really more of a chocolate or books kind of girl."

Colin glances at me a bright smirk of amusement crossing his face. He laughs and shakes his head. "I can't very well break my own rules, can I?"

"Oh right... the testing thing," I say. "So, you get tested before every new Sub?"

Colin slowly shakes his head. "No. I get tested every two weeks or when I start a relationship with a new Sub whichever comes first."

"You don't want me to get tested?" I ask, glancing at him.

"Well unless you are lying about your virginity status, I think we are safe, wouldn't you say so?" Colin asks.

I blush a bit deeper nodding slowly. "Y-yeah I guess so."

When Reese parks outside the house, I wait patiently for him to get my door before stepping out. "Thanks."

Reese smiles at me, "of course, Miss Palmer, have a good night."

"You too," I say, returning the smile. There is something about Reese and London that I truly respect. Perhaps it is how dedicated to their job and therefore dedicated to Colin, they both are, but whatever the reason I approve.

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