Chapter 9: True Excitement

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~Emery's POV~

"Miss Palmer, good morning, what can I get you for breakfast this morning?"

I blink sleepily at London as I slowly lower myself into one of the barstools. Did I sleep too much? Why was I more tired than I was when I went to sleep? Maybe it was the nightmare I had. I don't even remember anything that happened in it just that I had it. I look around before turning back to London.

"Where is Colin?" I ask.

London pours me a cup of coffee placing it down in front of me. "He went to the gym rather early; he should be back shortly."

"Does he ever sleep in?" I ask with a small curious tilt of my head.

London laughs a little stepping over to the fridge "if Mr. Corrette is sleeping past seven, he has a rather terrible flu or he is with a woman. What can I get you to eat, ma'am?"

"Um... what would you recommend?"

"How about an omelette?"

"Alright, can I help you?"

"I've got it," London says with a wave of her hand.

"I'm sure you do, it's just... I-I don't really know how to cook, I never really learned from my mother... I'd like to learn though," I say. My mother died before I developed much of an interest in helping her in the kitchen. The group home's food was terrible. But I wanted to learn, what man would want to be with a woman that couldn't cook to save her life? I have a feeling that Colin had never had a homecooked meal that was made simply out of love, yes London cooked for him but that was because he paid her to do that. Perhaps I could give him his first.

London looks at me with a small smile and nods "alright."

Sliding off the chair, I wash my hands and pull my hair back. I follow every single one of London's instructions as we put together a pair of omelettes ham and cheese omelettes with hashbrowns. She is incredibly skilled in the kitchen. It was like she had six extra arms and super speed or something.

"Having fun?"

I jump practically out of my skin, the fork I was holding clatters to the floor as I turn to Colin. He is standing leaning against the wall, watching me. Not watching me and London, just me. He is wearing a pair of track pants and a t-shirt.

He frowns a little at my reaction "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Y-you are good at sneaking up on me," I say leaning a little against the table.

He steps over to me touching his hand to my cheek and instantly warmth spreads through every part of me. Pooling right down there.

"H-how was the gym?" I ask before frowning a little when I notice that both of his hands are swollen and bruised. "Oh my God, what happened to your hands?"

Colin smiles in dry amusement "you should see the other guy." Stepping around me he walks over to the table sitting down he grabs the paper that London set there for him.

"W-was it that guy from last night?" I ask nervously.

Colin turns his gaze up to me. His gaze was dark and stern. "How many times do I have to tell you that it's not any of your concern what is going on with that man? Emery, sit down and eat," his tone is a booming tone of disapproval.

I gaze at him in surprise "wake up on the wrong side of the bed, this morning?"

Colin tenses his jaw and he practically yells "goddamn it, woman. Sit down!"

I jump and immediately sink into the chair.

"Good girl," Colin says, his voice is still ice cold and stern, but at least it is at a normal volume. "Eat."

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