Chapter 12: The Morning After

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I wake up early the next morning. I'm not surprised that I am up before the sun, it is a Monday, I'm used to waking up at 5 on weekdays. This is the first time I have ever taken a personal day off work. I slowly stretch out on the couch, with my recent nightmares I was too nervous to sleep in bed next to Emery. I'm terrified all it will take is one kiss to my chest, one touch to my back and I'll snap. Sitting up I turn my gaze to the bed. Emery is fast asleep tucked into the blanket that I laid on top of her after she had experienced her third orgasm. She looks so peaceful.

I get to my feet and step into my bathroom, searching through the medicine cabinet I find some extra strength Advil, I place two in the cap and set them on the night table with a little note. Eat me. I then step into the closet and grab my housecoat. I place that on the end of the bed with another note. Wear me. After a quick trip down to the kitchen I return with a little bottle of orange juice and set it next to the medicine. Drink me.

I leave a brief note for London.

Prepare breakfast in bed for Emery this morning. Have it ready for her by 9. I hope to be back by then. Ask her if she is sore, if she is, bring her an ice pack or heating pad whichever she would prefer.

~ Mr. Corrette

With all that sorted I walk upstairs and change into a solid black suit. Taking the keys to my Audi R8 I drive across the city to Joyce's boutique. She is always there early, preparing the store to open for the day. When I arrive, I send her a text that I am outside, and it is only a few minutes before she is sliding into the passenger seat.

"What happened yesterday?" She asks the moment her door is shut.

"Emery and her roommate were in a minor car accident. It was nothing to worry about. She's completely fine. I mean she'll probably be a little sore today, but I've already booked her a massage for eleven so hopefully, that helps," I say with a small shrug.

"Thank God," Joyce says. "So did you take my advice then?"

"Take your advice and take her down to my Dungeon? Right after she had a near-death experience. Jesus, Joyce what kind of sick bastard do you think I am?" I say with a small dark frown.

"Well, something has happened you seem slightly less tense..."

"We slept together," I say leaning back in my seat. "I wasn't going to, but she was practically begging me for sex and... it was absolutely incredible."

Joyce sighs a little, touching her hand to her chin. "So then today? You are taking her down there today?"

"I don't know... I have to see how she is feeling, how sore she is..."

"For fuck sake, Colin! You can't keep putting this off, you are always going to have a reason... you sound like you did when you were with..." Joyce turns to me abruptly. Her face is stretching into a dark frown "that is what this all boils down to, isn't it? You don't want to take her down there?"

"No... I don't," I say with a small sigh.

"Then you have to let her go, Colin. For both of your sakes," she says.

"I can't Joyce."

"Yes, you can and you will."

"No, Joyce. Don't you get it!? She's not just another girl. She is different, she..." I look through the window as I say my next words like I'm almost ashamed of them. But I'm not. They are the most human emotions I have ever felt and for once I can see myself as something other than the spawn of a rapist. "I have fallen in love with her."

Joyce gazes at me with a hard frown, she looks to disapprove of my words. "So what? You give up your Dungeon? You take that risk again?"

"No. No, I know I can't give it up. But I will take it slow... as slow as she needs me to. If that means I have to lock myself in my bedroom while I sleep and I have to take percussions until I get her down there, then I will. But for now..."

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