Chapter 21: Late Night Party

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My first day of true work is rather enjoyable. The day started when I woke up at seven to find that once again Colin had obeyed my request and stayed sitting on the bed until I woke up. When I was finished getting dressed and ready for the day, I had a minor disagreement with a disappointed Colin, since I still didn't want to carpool, before heading off with Reese to collect Ellie from our apartment.

It's sweet that Colin so desperately wants to be together as much as possible, but I can't have everyone thinking I am getting special treatment because I am sleeping with the boss. I'm not ready for everyone to know about us. I'm sure rumours will spread soon enough.

When I get to the office I am introduced by Miss Duncan to Ashlyn Doyle, a junior publisher, who has been paired with me for my training. She shows me how to set up my work email and shows me the ropes the entire day, while I shadow her. During my lunch hour, I sit at my desk working a bit on my book.

For my first full workday, it was rather enjoyable. I even had a surprise visit an hour after lunch when Colin came down to visit me between meetings. As much as I don't want to broadcast the fact that we are together, I don't mind the visits. 

After work, I meet Colin down in the parkade to find that he had chosen to drive the Audi today. I grin as I get in the comfortable black leather passenger seat. I have always appreciated cars like this, the luxury sporty cars. They are so amazing and awe-inspiring.

London has just taken our jackets when the doorbell rings. London steps over to the door smiling warmly at the woman on the other side. She is brunette, stands about 5'7 and is incredibly muscular.

"Jackie," Colin says with a small formal smile.

Jackie steps into the house, hands her vest to London and lets her eyes roam over me. It's like she is an interested buyer as she looks me over completely. "Miss Palmer, do you mind if I call you Emery?"

I nod shaking her outstretched hand. "No."

Jackie smiles formally looking me over a bit more before she turns to Colin, "are you looking for the usual regiment, sir?"

"Right now, no," Colin says glancing at me with a small smile. "Stick with routines that are good for gaining muscle, obviously she needs help gaining weight not reducing it. I'm already in touch with a nutritionist about her diet. I do want you to slowly incorporate the strength training and endurance training."

I gaze at Colin in surprise. My stomach twists a little when I realize that he wants to put me through the same fitness regimen as all of the twenty that came before me. He has spoken to a nutritionist about my diet. When did he do that?

Jackie nods in understanding "I can work with that. Emery, shall we head up to the fitness room and see where we are starting from?"

I nod slowly and glance at Colin.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Colin asks gently.

I shake my head slowly. "No, I'm okay," I reply before following Jackie up the stairs and into the fitness room.

"Have you ever worked out before?" Jackie asks as she sits down on a yoga ball.

I slowly shake my head, "not since grade ten gym class."

Jackie nods as she pulls from her bag a folder, flipping it open she jots a few notes down.

"How long have you worked for Colin?" I ask curiously.

"Five years now," Jackie says crossing her ankles as she turns her gaze back up to me.

"And you've helped him with all of his women?" I ask.

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