Chapter 6: The Darkness Below

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I hesitate, staring at the door. What is down there? My Dungeon? What? What did that mean? Did he have girls chained up down there or something? He said he wasn't a murderer. Do I even believe that?

"Emery?" Colin asks, he reaches a hand out to touch me but drops it before it makes contact like he suddenly thought better of it. 

I force a breath into my lungs and slowly start to walk down the stairs. Moving slowly and cautiously watching my step down each narrow stair. My curiosity is getting the best of me. More lights turn on automatically as I descend. There is a landing at the bottom, with a door, the walls are painted completely black, and the door is only noticeable because of the large golden knob that sits in the middle of it. It smells good down here, I was sort of expecting it to smell damp and dingy, you know like a dungeon, but it doesn't, it smells like a forest.

Colin steps around me, glancing at me as he passes to the door. "Ready?"

I hesitate before nodding slowly. I don't know what is behind that door. Am I ready to find out? No not really. But I don't think I will ever be truly ready so might as well just dive in. 

Colin gazes at me a moment, hesitating for what seems like a full minute before he pushes open the door.

My eyes widen and my jaw drops. It almost feels like my heart has leapt to my throat. It's a large room, the walls are painted dark gray, and the floor is lined with cushioned black carpet. It looks so... dark inside, the lights are dim and glow with a reddish hue. There are hexagon-patterned bars on the ceiling and straight ones stretching from the floor to the roof along one wall.  Horrifying contraptions hang from the ceiling. There are large pictures on the wall of random women tied up in seductive positions, some with their hands bound in front, others bound behind their back, one gagged and blindfolded and spread out like an eagle on a bright red blanket.

On the opposite wall, there are huge display cases and floor-to-ceiling wardrobes. My eyes linger on a nasty-looking cat-o-nine tail and it causes a shiver to run down my back. There is a large king bed against the far wall made up with forest green blankets and grayish-green sheets. There is a solid black table and next to it is a black velvet couch.

I don't realize I am trembling until I cross over to one of the display cases, reaching out to touch one of the leathered-tipped tools... tools? No weapons... My palms are sweating and my heart in racing in my ears. My gut is telling me to turn and run, but my curiosity keeps me here. 

"I need you to say something."

I nearly jump out of my skin when Colin speaks, I don't know why... maybe it is because of this room and all the terrifying things that surround me. I glance at him briefly before turning back to look around the room again.

He only pauses a few moments. He looks to be calculating every movement, every action, every word. Like his control is slowly breaking away and he is having to force himself to slow it down. "Please Emery, say something."

"I-I don't really know what to say," I say honestly. My gaze wanders around the room again before turning to him. "Y-You do this to women?"

"With women," he corrects like the distinction is the difference between life and death. "Women who want me to."

"T-this is BDSM?" I ask taking a step closer to him.

He raises a brow in surprise "you have experience with it?"

"N-No... I mean I've read books but... I didn't know people actually did it in real life, I mean not to this extent."

"Not everyone does. Some of us do, the ones who take our role seriously," Colin says. He closes his eyes tightly running his hand through his hair. "Come, let's go talk upstairs it is very distracting having you down here."

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