Chapter 19: The Dungeon

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I breathe a peaceful sigh as I slowly stir in Colin's comfortable bed.


I blink open my eyes and turn my gaze up to see Colin smiling down at me. I smile back up at him. "You stayed?"

Colin leans down pressing an affectionate kiss to my lips.

I grin as he slowly moves to hover over me as he nibbles my bottom lip. When he pulls away, I gaze up at him with warm appreciative eyes. "Thank you. See this is way better than waking up and finding that you are gone."

Colin laughs softly gazing down at me. "We aim to please Miss Palmer."

I laugh resting my head back against the pillow. He must have already showered, he smells amazing, like cedar, citrus and underneath that him. He is wearing clothes, we both fell asleep naked last night. "Though I see you have already been productive."

Colin shrugs a little, "well, I figured I would work out, shower and get dressed, then I got three hours of work done while I watched you sleep, which I will admit was a rather fun experience. You are rather adorable when you sleep."

"Three hours?" I ask, glancing at the clock, my eyes widen, and I squirm out from under Colin sitting up, "shit. I'm late. Why didn't you wake me?"

"Relax, I called in for you today," Colin says sitting back.

I glance at him in surprise, "what? How can you do that?"

Colin laughs a little "I promise you when I call in and say someone is not coming in for the day, they don't ask much for questions. I have plans for us today."

I gaze at him blushing a little when I realize that I am just sitting on his bed completely naked. "Can you pass me that blanket?"

Colin gazes at me with a small frown, "no."

"What? Why not?" I ask gazing at him.

"Because I like having you sitting here naked in my bed," Colin says shifting closer to me, touching his hand to my cheek. "And I want you to learn not to be ashamed of your body or nakedness. You are an incredibly beautiful woman Emery."

I gaze at him smiling a little. "So I can just walk around your house naked?"

Colin laughs a little, "as long as I have dismissed London and Reese for the day, yes. As fantastic as your nakedness is, it will only ever be for my eyes, it's a show for one."

I laugh warmly kissing his cheek. "Have you ever spoken to someone about your possessive tendencies?"

Colin gazes at me with a small shrug. "I have. I see a therapist every week, have since I was seventeen."

I gaze at him in slight surprise. "And they know? Everything?"

"Everything," Colin says with a nod. "Dr. Anca has been an incredible mentor to me over the years. He was a young man when Joyce first took me to see him. I was his first regular patient. Joyce believed a young therapist would be best, someone I could better relate to and as usual she was right."

"So, he knew what Mrs. Hendricks was doing to you?"

"He knew that Joyce was helping me because that was what she was. He knew the sort of relationship she was easing me into and whether or not he approved was not important, what was important was that it was consensual and it was one of the many ways she was helping me tame the darkness inside me."

I gaze at him curiously, "a part of me wants to meet this man."

"You can meet him," Colin says with a small shrug. "I'm not trying to hide things from you Emery, you can talk to my therapist about me as much as you want."

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