Chapter 15: Possession

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~Emery's POV~

You would not believe how hard it is to pay attention to your orientation when your incredibly hot boss-boyfriend sits two chairs away from you. Especially when he seems to be unable to keep his gaze off you. Surprisingly though I have stronger willpower than I thought.

Stepping out of the elevator in the lobby, I smile when I notice Ellie waiting for me with three other interns.

"Hey," Ellie says touching her hand to her shoulder. "Did you sort things out?" she whispers.

I slowly nod "yeah, I did."

Ellie smiled warmly, "good. Cause I was not looking forward to taking the bus after work." She turns to the man and two women that were with her. "This is Reeva Chapman, Jay Mills, and Robyn Hughes," she introduces indicating to each as she named them.

"It is nice to meet you all," I say, shaking each of their hands.

Jay Mills was a tall, strong, muscular young man. He had dark dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He smiles warmly in return "likewise. How was orientation?"

"Interesting," I say with a small smile.

"She's lying no one actually enjoys sitting through eight hours of boring videos and procedure," the one named Robyn says.

"I don't know some of it was interesting," Jay says glancing at Robyn. "Ignore her, she thinks she is far too good for everything."

I glance at Robyn a moment before glancing at Jay, nodding slowly.

"Come on let's go," Ellie says touching her hand to my shoulder. "Let's go get some food."

I nod and follow her and the other interns across the street and into the lobby of the hotel across the street. Ellie guides us to one of the tables in the back corner. When we were all settled, she turns to me.

"Was he just there to apologize?" she whispers.

I glance at her slowly shaking my head, my voice a soft whisper when I reply. "No. He was attending the orientation, something about morel."

Ellie nods slowly. "Yeah, I bet."

I raise a brow a little but am forced to turn away from her when Jay speaks up.

"So, Emery, where are you from?" Jay asks from where he sits across from me.

I glance over at him "I grew up here, in Chicago."

"Nice, what part?" Jay asks.

I hesitate a moment, looking down at the glass of water in front of me. "Um — West Garfield Park."

Jay looks a little surprised "really? Damn."

"What about you?" I ask quickly, desperate to change the subject from the rough, poor neighbourhood I grew up in.

"I grew up in Clarendon Hills," Jay says with a small shrug.

"Was it nice?" I ask.

Jay nods slowly "yeah it was alright. Where did you go to High School?"

"Lincoln Park," I reply.

"That's a ways away from Garfield," Jay says leaning forward against the table.

I nod slowly "yeah, my mom decided it was a better school, which it was. What about you where did you go?"

"Westmount High School," Jay replies.

"How long have you worked at Corrette Enterprises?" I ask.

"Technically two years, but I only work the summers right now," Jay says with a small shrug. "Sometimes part-time if they need during the school year."

You Are Mine: I Can Give You EverythingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora