Chapter 16: The Afternoon

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I blush bright red when I step into the conference room thirty minutes later than everyone else. I glance at the five other interns and then at Duncan wondering if any of them have a suspicion of what I was doing. It's not my fault Colin decided to stake his claim all over me. Was Jay really flirting? If so, I had been completely oblivious, I would have to ask Ellie later. If he was, I'm sure all I will have to do is mention that I am currently with Colin. I'm sure Jay will more than back off, perhaps even buy Colin the most expensive bottle of scotch he can afford to as an apology.

When I sit down in my chair, I grimace inwardly, my panties are very wet. Damn Colin Corrette, this was going to be a fun afternoon.

A few minutes after I arrive, a man and a woman step in.

"Good afternoon, everyone, I am Piero Favro I'm the president of the Publishing Department, this is Nao Rin, my assistant," the man introduced as he walked over to the front of the room. "I just wanted to stop by and say welcome, and good luck to all of you. The best advice I can give you for succeeding here is to keep your heads down, do your work and learn everything you possibly can. But at the same time don't be afraid to take a few risks."

I gaze at the man, he has a slightly higher voice, which is filled with an Italian accent. He has black hair, bright blue eyes and stands at 5'9.

"If you ever need me for anything, it is best that you reach out to Nao, send her an email, or leave her a voicemail, my own inbox and phone tends to get crowded, and I miss stuff. Well, on that note I have a board meeting to get to so I will leave you in Miss Duncan's very capable hands," Favro says. He glances at Duncan, "make sure and get these new guys a few pens and t-shirts from the board room on 53."

"Will do," Duncan says with a smile.

Favro nods in farewell before he and Rin step out of the room. The early afternoon passes with a few speeches from the marketing manager, Philip Keevan, finance manager, Marina Oniani, IT manager, Roman Dovhan, and a pair of senior publishers by the names of Ruben Sander and Lucia Keane. After an author named Valerie Hoover, stops by, Duncan announces that we are going on a tour of the building.

The tour begins in the lobby, where Duncan shows us the large maps of each departments' floorplans. She points out the wall across the reception desk which displays pictures of each of the executives and the presidents of each of the eight departments.

I can't help but have my eyes drawn to Colin's photo. His photo sits above the other executives, his is the largest photo. He sits in a white armchair, which contrasts beautifully with his dark gray suit, leaned back confidently, his leg crossed at the knee. His hands rested in his lap. He is gazing at that camera with that serious, stern gaze of his. Unlike the other people photographed, he isn't smiling. Underneath the photo is a gold plaque; Mr. Colin Corrette, CEO.

Below his photo are five of the other executives. The COO, CFO, CMO, CTO, and CBO. Below that each of the eight departments' human resource representatives, and beside each are the presidents. Duncan's own photo sits, beside Favro's above the Publishing Department's symbol.

It's then that a fully realize something. I am not dating my boss. The senior publishers were my boss, Piero Favro was their boss and Colin was his boss. I am dating my boss's, boss's, boss. Oh boy, that is complicated. It would be complicated on its own, but given that he is complicated too... This is sort of making my head spin, it doesn't help that my panties are still uncomfortably wet from the activities that took place in Colin's office.

I examine each of the eight department's floorplans, floor two to four hold storage rooms, rooms for hosting office parties, and a security wing. The Department of E-Commerce sits on floors five to ten, the human rights department takes up the next five floors, the next five are used by the Department of Research, the Department of International Enterprises takes three floors, and below that is a large picture of the headquarters that are based out of London England. The Legal Department takes up twenty floors with its large assortment of legal fields, including real estate, litigation, property law, business law, injury law, and family law. The Department of Real Estate takes up six floors, four floors are used by the Department of Technology and finally, the Department of Publishing takes up five floors. Human Resources is on the 58th, the executives have board rooms and lunch rooms on the 59th and the executives all have offices on the 60th, with Colin from the looks of it, holding the largest office.

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