Chapter 14: Orientation

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~Colin's POV~

"Mr. Corrette."

I turn to see Jayne Duncan walking towards me looking incredibly surprised. She has never seen me down in the parkade.

"I-I didn't realize you could drive, sir," Duncan says with a small smile. "Is Reese sick? I didn't know he got sick."

I can't help but smirk a little "I am perfectly capable of driving, Jayne. No, he is not sick, I just needed Reese's assistant elsewhere this morning. And he doesn't."

"Doesn't what?" Duncan asks. 

"Get sick," I say with a small smirk. "At least not that I know of." 

Duncan nods slowly, laughing a little, she turns her gaze to the car I am driving this morning. "This is an incredible car."

"Thank you," I say turning my gaze to the Dodge Challenger SRT Demon. Yes, I recognize the irony.

"How was your long weekend, sir?" Duncan asks as we begin to head to the elevator.

I glance at her with a small, raised brow, it's not like her to keep up a string of conversation with me. "What do you need, Jayne?"

"The board has requested that you attend the intern orientation today, sir. I know you are probably busy—"

"That won't be a problem," I say before she has finished.

She glances at me in surprise.

"It'll help with morel, right?" I ask. Probably not the morel you want, but it will help with morel at least I hope so. I glance at my phone when it dings.

Pick-up went well, sir.

~ Reese

I glance at Duncan, "did you get Miss Palmer's office sorted?"

"I did, sir, but there is some concern with some of the board members, sir. They believe this could be seen as favouritism. She has a better coverage package than any other intern in any of our departments, she has no experience and now she has an office bigger than some of the Junior Publishers, is there a reason she couldn't have a cubicle like all the other interns?"

I glance at Duncan "because I said I want her to have an office. That is all you and the board need to know."

"Sir, is she a relative?" Duncan asks.

I frown and turn my stern cold gaze on her. I hate that she seems to be immune to it. When I first hired her, I thought that would be an asset, I thought she could offer me differing opinions without fear of me. Now I regret that proposition, but apparently, 'not being afraid of the boss' is not a fireable offence no matter how you word it.

"She has had a hard life, Jayne, and I simply want her to feel comfortable here," I say. "If anyone has a problem with any of the special treatment she is getting, you tell them that they can go live for two months on a park bench and I will see about giving them a bigger office."

The rest of the elevator ride is quiet, at least she has figured out that I am not budging on this matter. As we reach the 59th floor, Duncan steps out. The elevator is empty as I continue on to the 60th floor. Stepping out I head down the hall to my office.

"Winter," I say in greeting to my personal assistant.

She looks up from her computer "good morning, Mr. Corrette. How was your long weekend?"

"It was good," I say as I key open my office door. I glance at her "have you sorted everything I missed yesterday?"

"Yes, sir. By importance," Winter says as she gets to her feet stepping into the office after me. She indicates to the large stack of files on my desk.

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