About waking up

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~ Legolas POV ~
For a short moment, the whole world stood still, before Frodo's desperate scream filled the hall's air. I had nearly dropped Anariël, but now that I was sure she was still there, in my arms, I grabbed her tighter. Frodo was still screaming, Boromir holding him back, and Aragorn led us out of the mines fast. I did recognize none of it
For I could breathe fresh air again suddenly, my feelings changed. Gandalf had died, leader of our fellowship, and Anariël was nearly lost as well. How could it come to this? How could the fellowship fail so much?
No more it was fear or sadness shaking me, but anger. If something would come into my way now, I would not guarantee for anything anymore.
Pippin and Merry were crying on the ground, helpless, like little children. Frodo was not even with us anymore, he has gone away to fight his grief alone. As Aragorn called him back, I could not believe anymore. Wasn't he one of those who were always called full of empathy and care? Now, I saw none of it. 'We must reach the woods of Lothlórien', was his only answer.
So he was our leader now. 'Well, that shall it be then?', I asked. 'Gandalf dead, Anariël nearly, and not even time for grief', I shouted in Elvish. Aragorn towards me, his own eyes glittering with tears. 'I don't want to lose the rest of my company as well, Legolas.' My mouth closed. Whatever else he was, he was right. And so we made our way to Lothlórien.

~ My POV ~
Light. Light, bursting in front of my eyes. I snapped for breath, uncontrolled, as if I wanted to breathe the whole world. Breathe, breathe. In. Out. Forget about the pain.
Where did this flashing light come from, so suddenly, after such a time of darkness? I did not know. I forgot how to open my eyes, at least for a moment. Something in my brain began run. Life. Eyes. Open your eyes, it seemed to whisper. And I did.
Light. Such pure, beautiful light, shone from the sky and fell into the trees' crowns. Trees... Last time, I had seen such beautiful trees, I had been at home. But home seemed so far away now.
'It is good to see you woke up', suddenly a voice spoke. This was nearly too loud for my eyes. 'We were not sure if you'd ever do.' What had happened? There was no memory at all. And when I turned my head, there was a pain in my shoulder.
'What had happened?', I wanted to ask the voice, but no sound came from my throat.
Just when I turned, I saw a girl sitting next to my bed. Well, not really a girl... She had her hair like an elf and was dressed like one, although she looked more human. Too much riddles for my mind.

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