Chapter 52: He's fine.

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Yoongi took a minute to process what he just heard. He looked at the idiot who was literally drooling over his own boyfriend.

"What did you just say?" He asked trying to double check if what he heard was right or not.

Taehyung without looking at him replied,
"I said why should I stop him?" His gaze was fixed over Jungkook who had picked up an iron rod from the floor and started swinging it over the now unconscious man's torso.

Fuck, this man was gonna be the death of him.

Just look at him swinging the rod over and over again at the poor passed out bitch at such a speed no one could decipher.

Yoongi was so done with everything, he immediately called for his team to arrest Kai and the other men there.

He cut the call and looked at Taehyung,
"So you want him to get suspended huh?" He suddenly said which made Taehyung turn to look at him with a frown.

"What?" Taehyung asked completely confused at what Yoongi just said. Even after all of this Yoongi still didn't have the courage to go to stop Jungkook himself.

"I said you want him to get suspended right? Because at this rate he will end up killing the guy, which will p-probably end him up with a suspension letter." Yoongi said talking to Taehyung without making any eye contact.

Suddenly Taehyung smirked seeing the way Yoongi wasn't looking at him or the way he stuttered in between his talking.

"Nice try Mr. Min." Taehyung said, eyes again moving to fix themselves over his boyfriend's sexy back. The sweat was making his white shirt see through, giving him the perfect view of the muscles.

Hence the drooling.

"What?" Yoongi asked him baffled.

"I said Nice try Mr. Min but you see you forgot about one small thing. In order to get him suspended they would have to have proof or an eye witness that Koo killed him. And right now at this moment, there's only you and me here. The other three men in the room have passed out and obviously can be taken care of. And about us, I obviously won't be a witness now so it's only you. So tell me Mr. Min would you be the eye witness for this, and get your brother suspended?" Taehyung finished and Yoongi was left speechless at this point.

Whatever Taehyung said was correct, the other three men in the room were knocked out unconscious and they could be taken care of too. It was just them.

Would it even matter if Kai was actually killed today?

And considering the rank Jungkook was in, no one can dare do anything against him even if they tried to.

"And you know the best part of all of this?" Taehyung said eyeing Jungkook's torso moving around Kai's unconscious body.

"What?" Yoongi asked again giving Taehyung a weary look. He was actually out of words at the moment.

"He isn't going to kill him."

That's all Taehyung said before he walked closer to his boyfriend who seemed to be holding his fists now.

He was in pain.

And that was it.

Taehyung walked to Jungkook softly and held his arm before he turned him towards himself and then kissed him.

He knew using any other way would be useless, Jungkook was too lost in rage to come out of it by force.

He remembers how Jungkook had done the same thing to him too at the club once when he had lost himself but Jungkook had controlled it. And he was going to do the same.

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