Chapter 61: Coax him.

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A head peaked into the living room and a pair of feet rustled around as they tip toed closer to the couch.

Knees collided with the floor as he sat down in front of his little boyfriend who seemed to be frowning in his sleep.

He looked at the slightly shaking figure and bit his lips in disapproval as he saw the blanket almost on the floor.

Picking up the blanket, he put it all over Jungkook's body and then even tucked it under him from the sides.

A whimper entered his ears and he closed his eyes,
"Don't make me feel guilty angel." Taehyung whispered to himself opening his eyes again just as the first tear rolled down those soft cheeks. He was quick to wipe it.

"Oh baby." He whispered as he stuck both their cheeks together in order to make Jungkook feel his presence.

A sob broke through the silent room and Taehyung's eyes stung with tears himself as it broke his heart to just hear that.

"N-nana." Taehyung tensed as he heard that word from Jungkook's mouth in his sleep.

He pulled back to look at Jungkook's face and he swore he got scared out of his minds when suddenly Jungkook opened his eyes but closed shut them again.

He quickly but without any noise walked to the wall and hid behind it in order to not let Jungkook know that he was there.

Jungkook sat up with a snap over the couch breathing heavily, his mind filled with the memories and words of his grandma.

"I knew it! You were a curse!"


"You killed my son!"

"I d-didn't!"

"You killed your own parents, don't you feel any shame?"


He put his hands over his ears to try to silence the voices. But how could he get the memories out of his mind.

Memories of his grandma punishing him for things he never did, making him feel guilty for things that never happened because of him.

There were times when he was punished to kneel outside his own house in the cold while he had nothing over his torso.

There were times when he was punished to not have anything to eat for entire days.

He took all of it.

But why did he?

"I love you angel. Always remember that!"

"Kim Jungkook listen to me very carefully! No one I repeat no one has the right to hurt you! Do you hear me? Not even me!"

There it was.

The reason why he shouldn't have.

Suddenly the words changed as well as the memories. Those weren't his demons anymore. It was someone else.

His phantom.

As soon as those voices came, everything became silent. His troubled mind went calm.

He was always there, telling him that there's no need to feel scared or guilty of anything. Even without knowing, he was still by his side.

And yet, why do you still hold onto to the guilt?

Right? Why do you?

There is someone who is constantly telling him how important he is, and he deserved all the love in the world.

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