Chapter 26

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HAKU and I went together to the HA. We used his car and he was driving while I was jamming to Coastline songs that he played.

The flow of traffic was not so heavy today so it didn't take long for us to reach the large parking lot just in front of HA.

We took our guitars that were inside the gig bag and went down together.

Some of the students and teachers who parked here with us were surprised to see us together.

Haku and I walked calmly and even here in the pedestrian line the students who were with us were still looking at us while passing through it.  I can tell from their faces that they are wondering why Haku and I are together now.

They were just looking at us, the rest of them were so stunned that they almost stopped entering the entrance gate, so Haku and I entered first.

When we entered, we were greeted by Haku's fans holding balloons, flowers and even tarpaulin, they ran towards us but they stopped their planned shouting when they saw that I was right next to Haku.

Many of them gaped and covered their mouths, some muttered even though I could hear them whispering why Haku and I were together.

Haku didn't seem to care about them and just continued to walk among them, so I followed.  For the first time no one seemed want to come closer and they preferred to wonder what was happening.

We've come a long way.  "Tian! Haku!"  We stopped when suddenly someone called us.  That voice was familiar so we slowly turned back and I was not mistaken, it was Art and Sky who were approaching us.

When they got close, Art immediately stood next to me while holding my arm.  I saw Sky put his arm around Haku but Haku removed his hand from his shoulder and chose to walk with me, so I'm trying to not laugh because they were like children fighting.

We walked together inside the campus, until we reached the wide quadrangle.  We were both surprised to see that Rifah was here before us.

I smiled when I saw her so I quickly ran to her and they followed.

When I got close, I couldn't help but wonder because while Rifah is sitting our make up artist was fixing her.

"Ma'am Giss, what is happening?"  I asked our make up artist who's gay.

He looked at me.  "Director Mike hired Rifah as an official background actor in this movie and she will be the first and temporary love triangle of you and Pearl." he replied with a smile while still putting blush on Rifah's cheeks.

I felt joy when I heard that. "Oh my must be fun..." I was so happy that I couldn't stop hugging Rifah.

After I hugged her, I just looked at her beautiful face.

"When I first saw you, you captivated me with your beauty, now you're even more pretty..." I gently touched her silky hair and stared into her brown eyes.

"Thank you Tian," she thanked me with a smile.

WE HAVE started shooting.  Together with some of the important film crew we are here today in the widely Enchanted Park.

We're inside in one of the largest garden area here.  Rifah and I are now sitting next to each other on a soft chair and in front of us is a small table.

I'm holding a guitar because this is really it.  This is what I have been preparing for a long time.  This is what will test me.

In this scene I'm going to play the guitar and of course to sing.  The script was changed because the real scene where I going to play guitar is so far yet, but it happened now when they make Rifah as a background actor.

MAKE YOU MINE 1 | English Version | Heartful Academy #1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum