Chapter 27

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I'M back home now because our taping is over. I sat quietly in front of the table and just looking at my hot coffee.

I still can't get over on what I saw happened to Haku and Gwen earlier.

I stopped in my daze when I noticed someone approaching me, I turned and saw that it was Haku who had just finished dressing from the guess room.

I immediately stood up to avoid him. "Your coffee, drink it before it gets cold..." I heard him say as he walked into a table.

"I don't like it anymore." I entered the comfort room as if I was going to pee.

After I came out of the comfort room, I saw that he was already sitting on the sofa and it was obvious from his face that he was shy but he really wanted to talk to me.

I took cold water from the reef and drank it.

"S-Sorry for what happened earlier—" he stopped to say when I suddenly started a mouthwash.

I intentionally made the mouthwash louder so he couldn't speak properly now and he kept apologizing while I was just making noise.

Sometimes I dance along with my singing of children's songs just to make it look like I don't care about what he has to say, so he just shuts up.

After I mumbled, he spoke again. "I'm sorry if I didn't ask permission to you earlier, but believe me, I only did something important..." he explained.

I'm still working out a way just for him to experience being ignored, just like what he did earlier.

I turned on the TV and he continued to explain that they were just having practice. I turned up the volume of the TV even more so that he hesitated to speak.

I approached the table and continued to drink coffee while scrolling through my social media accounts.

It's a miracle that my bashers are quiet now, well it's because I'm too lazy to update status and post pictures.

I noticed that Haku stood up suddenly and turned off the tv so I looked up. "Why did you turned it off?!" I asked annoyed.

He didn't answer and slowly approached me as we looked at each other.

When he approached, I was stunned when he sat in front and seemed to be begging to talk to me. "Let's talk please...just listen to me first..." he begged.

I frowned. "And what should we talk about?" I asked seriously.

He gently held my hands. "Are you mad at me?" He just returned the question while not taking his eyes off me.

I avoided looking at him. "I'm not angry. And why should I be angry? I have no right to be angry. Especially since we don't have anything about that relationship and we're not that closed." I try to calm down so he doesn't notice I'm angry.

"So you're mad," he said.

I looked at him badly. "Said I'm not mad!" I raised my voice and removed his hands that were holding me and immediately stood up to go to my room.

"I won't stop until we not fix this. I don't want us to go to sleep while we're not okay." He followed me to the bedroom.

He was just standing on the side of the door and seemed to be still finding the courage to talk to me. Meanwhile, I took my guitar and immediately sat on the bed.

I've been playing the guitar and doing some chords just to make noise inside.

"I'm sorry if I didn't tell you about the King and Queen of Hearts," he said calmly.

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