004. two word answers

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— 004

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— 004. 'two word answers' —

THEY WERE IN LOAD OF trouble. when they got taken home by the police laurel gave them a lengthy talk, with conrad mouthing back to her ever so often. as she dismissed the kids she held dylan back.

"you are doing the deb ball." laurel says sternly. "what deb ball?" dylan asks, the liquor from earlier catching up to her. "god, you really weren't listening at all during dinner. susannah got you and belly places in the debutante ball. so if you can't find a date, just ask conrad or jere." laurel says as dylan groans and runs up to her room.

as she plops on her bed she hears a soft knock and she mumbles a light come in. it's jeremiah with a plate of food. "hey, conrad and belly went to bed but i remembered how you barely touched your dinner. so i figured you'd want some." he says softly as he hands the girl a plate.

"thanks," she says as she takes a bite. "was cam cameron... your cameron?" jeremiah asks after a minute of silence. "yeah i guess. but i messed everything up and now he likes belly." she says through a mouth full of food.

"did she know that he was your cameron?" jeremiah asks reluctantly. "obviously jere. he literally mentioned seventh grade latin convention!" dylan exclaims loudly. "ok sorry! what now?" he asks as dylan hands him the empty plate.

"i'm gonna silent treat that bitch." dylan says, her words slurring as she lays down. "you mean give her the silent treatment?" jere asks as he pulls the covers over dylan. "yeah, silent treatment." she whispers as he places a quick kiss on her forehead.

"ew jere, when did you become soft.." she says wiping her forehead. "sorry for wanting to be nice to someone i've known my whole life and consider my sister." jeremiah says sassily as dylan chuckles.

"i'm just kidding come here." she says as she sits up and places a kiss on his cheek before laying down. "night lannie." jere says softly as he walks out. "night." she mumbles before falling into a deep sleep.

THE NEXT MORNING DYLAN woke up to the sound of a blender blaring as she groaned and tossed around in bed. as she looked at her bedside table she saw two painkillers and a glass of water with a note.

'feel better' -belly

she instantly tossed the painkillers to the ground as she got up and dressed in a simple white tank crop top and some jean shorts. as she entered the hallway she heard small banter from downstairs.

she then quickly brushed her teeth and washed her face before running downstairs. "has anyone seen the tylenol bottle?" she announces as she walks downstairs. "top shelf in the pantry." comrad mumbles, drinking what dylan recognized to be jere's hangover cure smoothie.

"you're a lifesaver." she said softly as she nudged conrad's shoulder before entering the kitchen. "i thought i left painkillers on your bedside table.." belly says confused. "you did." dylan said.

"then why didn't you take them? what's wrong.." belly asks as dylan pops open the bottle then takes two pills, laying them on her tongue. "nothings wrong." she says with the pills in her mouth. "you're giving me two word answers." belly points out.

dylan then walks over and grabs the smoothie from conrad right as he's about to sip and she takes a big gulp, before swallowing it along with the pills and looking at her sister. "why don't you take those two word answers and shove it up your ass." dylan says sarcastically with a smile as laurel and susannah walk in.

"not gonna ask what that was about.. anyway! belly, lannie come on we got shopping to do!" susannah announces happily as she rushes the twins out of the house. they soon got to the place as dylan began rummaging through dresses.

"i like this one.." she mumbles as susannah peeps from behind. "it would look amazing on you, go try it on!" she insists. "wait! that's very expensive.. how about you look for a different one lannie.." laurel says as susannah groans.

"laur.. don't worry about the price. i just wanna see my girls in a white dress." susannah says softly as a small smile fades onto dylan's face. soon she went into the changing room and slid on the dress.

she stared at herself in the mirror with a smile on her face. she never really thought she was the best looking, hence the fact she'd never had a boyfriend. she did have her first kiss but it was stupid and she didn't like to talk about it.

it was with cam, who now was going out with her sister. she snapped out of her trance as she smoothed the dress and opened the dressing room door. to say her mom and susannah's eyes lit up when her and belly walked out at the same time was an understatement.

she felt shy under their gaze knowing they saw her and belly as grown women now and not their little girls. "you guys look..." laurel begins. "beautiful." susannah says as the twins smile.

the girls then went to a few more shops, looking for dresses to wear to their first deb ball thing. dylan found a cute skirt and cardigan formal outfit with a cute hat. the girls changed before heading to the country club where they were assigned a table.

it was boring for the most part, most of the girls at the table only wanting to know what is was like living with the fisher boys. the only one dylan really liked was shayla. as they were leaving the girls ran into cameron and dylan speed walked her way to the car without saying hi.

she didn't know what him and belly were talking about that took so long but then she finally realized as belly made them rush home so she could get ready for her date, with cameron.

dylan on the other hand sat on the couch, her head on steven's shoulder as he constantly moved, considering he was playing a video game.

as belly walked down dylan couldn't even be mad at her, she looked beautiful. but then she remembered why and who she looked beautiful for and her whole mood dropped. she tried her best to ignore jeremiah's weird teen boy compliments towards her sister as steven spoke up.

"you do look nice belly." he says slightly sympathetically eyeing dylan after he scolds jere. in the corner of dylan's eye she could see conrad in awe of her sister and that's what made her even more upset. how could belly not see that conrad was in love with her.

no matter how hard he tried to fight it, or make it seem like he didn't care everyone knew they had infinite love for each other, but belly was chasing after the wrong person, and in the process hurting not only conrad, but her sister as well.


the ariana drama??
let the queen live pls

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