Chapter 21

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Author's Note

Just to make things clear before I start this chapter, the reason Rose will not be in this book (not until further later, anyway) is because she's in the early 21st century, still celebrating Christmas with Jackie and Mickey. Whereas the incidents that happen in this chapter and the following chapters take place in a more later time period in the 21st century.

Feel free to comment if you have any other questions about the storyline. Any suggestions for the plot are welcomed

Also, as a little treat, I decided to add another character into this chapter. And who none other than the leader of Torchwood, Captain Jack Harkness?



Chapter 21 - The Last Days of Planet Earth

"Torchwood. Outside the government, beyond the police. Tracking down alien life and arming the human race against the future. The 21st century is when everything changes, and Torchwood... is ready." - Captain Jack Harkness

During the last days of planet Earth, everything seemed normal. Everyone woke up for school or work, took a shower, had simple breakfast, going out and about with their daily lives. It was just like any other ordinary day.

No one other than the Doctor, Olivia, Joltea and UNIT knew about the unleashing chaos going on outside their boring little bubble — well, except one other man... Captain Jack Harkness.

Jack knew something was odd right at the start of the day. The Rift's energy charts were as usual, there were no sudden spikes. He had sent Gwen and her husband Rhys to catch a group of Weevils, leaving him in the Hub alone. That's when he noticed the Doctor's severed hand glowing in the container.

Captain Jack heard whooshing sounds nearby. He immediately ran outside of the Hub, towards the familiar blue police box that stood in the centre of Cardiff.


"I just need to refuel the Tardis before we go check on Olivia. It won't take long. Old girl needs a break," the Doctor told Joltea.

She gave him a thumbs up, deciding to head to the Tardis kitchen to make some coffee. She made a cup of coffee for the Doctor as well. Holding up a tray, she was walking back to the console room with the coffee in her hands, when suddenly the Tardis started crashing wildly, electric sparks flying everywhere.

A smirk crept up at the corner of the Visionary's lips. She knew what was happening. And three words to explain the whole situation — Captain Jack Harkness.

"Doctor! Doctor, let me in!" Jack banged the Tardis doors. "I know you're in there, and I know you're ignoring me for whatever stupid reason!"

The Doctor kept on pushing buttons and switching levers, trying desperately to get away from Jack Harkness and fly away in his little blue box, but the Tardis stayed on, disapproving of his actions and refusing to leave. On another day the Tardis would've flown away as far as she could [a/n as shown in the "Utopia" episode], but for some reason, this time she held on.

"This has something to do with the end of the world Olivia mentioned, doesn't it? You want Jack to stay and help." The Doctor asked, caressing the console, and the Tardis hummed in approval.

The doors automatically flung open, allowing Jack to enter without forcing them open.

"Okay, something really wrong is going on here," Jack said, looking around for anything suspicious. "The last time I met you, the Tardis flew thousands of years into the future just to get rid of me, so why did she let me in this time?"

The immortal man laid eyes on the Tardis console, smirking slightly. "No offense."

"Oi! No flirting with my Tardis." The Doctor frowned. "Also, no spoilers. Haven't been that point of time yet. Means I'll probably meet you again in the future."

"Correction: billions of years," Joltea corrected, smiling. "Sorry to intrude your conversation, boys. And also, Doctor, this technically isn't your Tardis either. You stole it, didn't you?"

"I borrowed it," he replied, huffing.

She smirked. "Coffee?" She asked, and he immediately took a cup of coffee from the tray.

Jack "Captain Jack Harkness, and what's your name, beautiful?" He purred, introducing himself.

"Joltea," she replied.

"Nice to meet you, Joltea. The Doctor always manages to get the pretty ones," Jack walked forwards to shake Joltea's hand, but was rudely interrupted by the Doctor. Spoil sport.

"STOP IT! There's a time and place," the Doctor said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"I was only saying hello," Jack sighed in exasperation, then slowly turned to Joltea. "So you're the Doc's new companion, eh? I thought he regenerated after Donna. Oh wait, are you before Martha Jones?"

"Oi! No spoilers," the Doctor said.

"I'm a companion of nobody." Joltea stated. "I'm a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, same as the Doctor. Except I'm a Visionary born with the power of the Time Vortex inside me."

"Show off," the other Time Lord muttered under his breath.

"But this means you haven't been through the Battle of — " Jack's sentence was cut off when Joltea covered his mouth with her dominant hand.

She removed her hand after a few seconds. "Spoilers," Joltea said. "The next two words that come out from your mouth can change the course of history."

"Yeah, sorry." Jack apologised. "So, smart and beautiful, then?"

Joltea set the metal tray down and took a sip from her coffee that had already cooled down. "Never going to stop, are you?"

"Never." The captain grinned widely.

"Well then. Welcome to 'the end of the world' squad," Joltea said, raising her cup of coffee in mid-air, and then taking another sip from it. "But it never really would be the end of the world without you, wouldn't it, Captain Jack?"

[a/n Reference to all of his appearances during multiple 'end of the world's, shown in "the End of the World (S1E2)", "Utopia", and "Journey's End" episodes.]

"Apparently all Time Lords are sarcastic," Jack muttered.

"Some more than others," the Doctor quipped. "Come on now, stop wasting time, we have to get Olivia."

"Okay then... Captain, Doctor." The Visionary smiled, deciding to fly the Tardis this time instead of the Doctor. He's a terrible driver.

"Did I mention that Theta never actually passed his driving test?" She got a few chuckles and embarrassed replies, then proceeded to insert the coordinates and pressed a few buttons, her fingers gliding gently across the Tardis console. "ALLONS-Y!"

"... Oi, that's my catchphrase!" The Doctor scoffed.

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