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Christian's pov

I sat at the library with the other three people in my group.
"Christian, which movie should we choose? ", Lia asked to me.
"You are the class topper, so you must have an idea, right? ", Philip asked her. She just smiled at me. Why is she smiling every time she looks at me? Is something on my face?

"Let's continue ", I ordered to others for a story hunt. I looked through the list. Which should we select? There are many.

But my eyes stuck on one. Not on a movie, but on a person. Natasha. She was talking with the librarian.

After feeling my eyes on her, she looked in our direction. I waved at her. Wait. Why am I waving? Especially at her. I put my hands down, but she slowly walked towards us.

"So what are you doing here? ", Natasha asked to us.
"Ha, miss. We were searching for a movie, Lia answered.
" Okay. Then I won't disturb you guys. And I hope you find one no one took," she said.

"Miss, what information do we need about the movie?", Blake asked.
Natasha stands between mine and Philip's chair. She placed one hand on his shoulder and one on my head.
" Everything. All minute details should be mentioned," Natasha answered, looking directly at him.
"Okay, miss", Blake said, shaking his head.

"Don't take all the work alone, Lia. You should give it to both Christian and Philip ", Natasha said, turning her head towards us.
"You hear me, right? ", she asked.
"Yes, miss, we will help her", Philip said.
"What about you?" , She hit my head lightly.
"Of course", I said as she moved away from us.

We stayed at the library.
"It was almost dark. We still haven't even started", Philip complained.
"Let's continue this later", Blake was completely worn out.
" Yes. Tomorrow is a holiday. Let's complete this tomorrow ", Lia said, to which I agreed. I am already tired.
"Then okay", Philip took his belongings and headed outside. I followed him.

"Christian, can you give me your number ", Lia asked. I stared at her.
"In case we need to discuss the project ", she said, looking down.
"Okay ", I said, giving my number to her.
"We are also in your group, Lia", Philip said with a smile on his face.
"Oh yeah. Your numbers too", she asked their numbers and walked out.

I drove my car to my condo. I took a shower and opened the notes. The notes seem much more understandable now. I looked through it.

My eyes have become heavy. I closed the notes and went to bed.

My phone pinged. I looked at it. That was a message from Lia. I hastily opened the message, thinking it was something important.

Good night, Christian.😴

What the heck? I closed my phone and laid on my bed. Sleep took me without knowing.

In morning

I took my bag and went to meet my assignment group. They were all waiting for me at the library. I saw them standing outside.

"What happened? ", I asked them.
"The library is closed ", Philip answered.
"So where are we going to sit and complete this work", I asked.
"We should go to anyone's house? ", Blake said.
"How about your house, Philip ", Blake asked to Philip.
" No. Mom is not feeling well ", he said.
Then Blake looked at me.

"Dad is there ", I answered. Well no. That was an excuse. I don't invite anyone to my house. Even Philip comes there rarely. Then my dad is such a peaceful man that hearing his name shivered them.

"My parents are quite strict ", Lia said.
"Well, you know about the situation in a boys dorm", Blake said at last. So there is no place to work.

"So we should research from the roads", Philip was annoyed.
"We will find a way", Lia says positively.
"The public library is also closed today", Blake says.
"How about we go to Miss Natasha's house", Philip asked.
"You know where she is living ", Lia curiously asked.
"Of course ", he answered proudly.
"That's a good idea. If we have any doubts, we can ask her", Blake said.

Then we all started to go to her house. I rang the bell, and in seconds, she opened the door.

"Heyy guys", she said, surprised to see everyone here.
"Hi, miss ", they said.
"So what brings you here", Natasha asked.
"Well, we need to complete our assignment, but there is no place to go. So shall I complete it from here", Lia pouted.
"Oh, okay", she invited us inside.

"We're you cooking, miss", Lia asked. She needs to know everything. 
" Yeah. Today is a holiday, so I thought of some experiments", she smiled.
"Then I can be the best taster", Blake said. She smiled at him.
"Of course, mister. But don't blame me for anything ", she laughed along with him. I don't know why, but I hate to see him close to her.

"You guys continue working here. I am going to the kitchen ", she went.
We started with the project. I often glance at the direction in where she went.

"Chris, listen here", Philip called me.
"Where are you looking? ", he complained.
"Nothing ", I answered.

After a while, Natasha came from the kitchen with some starters.

"Wow, miss, it looks delicious ", Blake complimented. Lia took a bite and said the same. Philip took one, and then he started grabbing all of it. I took one. It is delicious.

"Miss, how is this? ", Blake asked to Natasha. I hate to see him smiling at her. Is it because I hate him or because I don't trust Natasha?
"Wow, nice", she gave a thumbs up.

"No, you should write the assignment", she said after seeing Lia typing on the laptop.
"What? ", Blake was shocked by it.
"Printing is not possible. The work should be handwritten", she said casually. Really. We have to write down all this information.
" Okay. I will start writing." Blake took the initiative. Wow, he is the topper anyway.

"I think, Christian, you should write. His handwriting is amazing", she said.
Did she recommend me? I felt a special happiness in hearing it. She gave me a chance over these toppers.

"Can you do that", she asked with her beautiful eyes.

"Of course ", I took the papers and started my work. Natasha went back. Others helped me. 

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