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Christian's POV

I closed my bag and sat on top of it. The bag is filled with a variety of clothes. This time, Natasha can see my fashion sense. Yeah, we are going on the college tour.

The drive to college was fast. I was so eager for the trip. There are three buses waiting for the students. I rushed to our bus. Philip was sitting with sunglasses and a cap.

"How is my style? ", he asked.
"Wow, man, you rocked", I said, holding back my laugh. The students all gave him a weird look.
"Chris, look. No girls can take their eyes off of me ", he said. If God could give him at least a peanut-sized brain,
"Heyy, Chris, look", I followed Phil to meet Natasha.
"Wow, she looks like an angel", I said to myself. God, you took a lot of time to create her.
"You say it every day", Phil said from my side.
"Yeah. I won't change that opinion,", I said to him.

Natasha and Trina were on our bus. Nat walked to the back seat and sat there. I looked at Phil.

"Don't say anything. Go and sit there", He was such an amazing friend.

I went to the backseat and sat beside her.

"Hello, Nat," I sat down beside her.
"Hi Christian", she said, looking at me and looking back to the window.
"I never expect you to take the backseat. Usually, teachers take the front seats.
"I prefer backseats near windows,", she answered.
"Hmm", I hummed.

I sat close to her, hearing her breath. Her perfume was so addicting.

"Christian, why are you staring at me? ", Nat asked. She was looking outside.
"Am I? ", I asked back.
"Yeah", she said, moving her head up and down.

"How do you know if you don't look at me? ", I asked her.
"I have power", she answered.
"You have many powers. I do feel it. Or how can you steal my heart", I murmered. She laughed it off.
"Yeah that. That smile just made me fall", I said.

We sat in a comfortable silence.

"We reached,", Trina said. Wait. We just started the journey, and we have already reached

Nat started counting students. 

"These are four rooms for you boys. You can choose the way you like", Trina gave us four room keys.

I chose the room next to Nat for my mission. Phil also tags along with me. Others took it the way they wanted.

It was already night. So our tour really starts tomorrow. 

Next day. 

"So guys. To make our tour interesting, we are playing a game. That is the treasure hunt ", sir announced.

The usual treasure hunt,I don't know when it will get old.

" Start." With that word, students started running in many directions.

Like expected, some other team won the game. Who am I kidding? We are not fans of these games.

It took a lot of energy for the treasure hunt. So lunch is served. All the students sat here and there for lunch.

I saw Nat walking alone. I followed her. She was going straight to the back side. I stopped on the track. It was Frederick. She came to meet him. Is that why she is not giving me any green signals? I turned to leave, but her voice stopped me.

"What the hell, Fredrick? ", she yelled at him.
"Nat, please listen to me", he begged.
"I have told you everything. Now can you please leave me ", she asked. My heart feels much better now. He tried to hold her hands. I walked towards her to pull her away from him.

"Who are you? ", he barked at me. 
"None of your business ", I answered.
"Nat, can't you give me a chance ", he asked. No, please tell him no. I prayed.
"No", she answered. I smiled. 
"Why are you smiling? he said, now turning to me.
"You are the one who questioned me on that day", he said. Ohh fuck. 
"Fredrick, stop it", she said angrily.
"After these two years, you still don't change your decision", he asked.
"Fredrick, leave now. We have a friendship now. Don't lose it too", she said.

He waited a little more and then walked to his car. She sighed. 
"Are you alright ", I asked.
"Did you meet him? ", she asked, narrowing her eyes.
"I was...", I don't know how to explain my feelings. She continued to stare at me. 
"Don't you know I am hitting on you? Then suddenly a man came to the picture and was trying to steal you", I became silent.
She smiled. 
"If you want to know something, you should ask me", she said.
"Then who is he? ", I asked. "Please tell me who he is." . 

"He was my ex", she answered. Yeah, I know.
"Ex. So I have a chance. Why did you two break up? Does he have any other affairs?", I asked.
"No. He was loyal", she answered.
"Then", This is not going well.

"He was my first love. We have been together since high school. Good-looking, intelligent, and everything was perfect", she said.
"Then what happened?", I don't see why they broke up.
"He was a mom's boy", she answered quietly.

"When I was young, I admired that quality. You know a guy who treats his mom well will be a nice man, but then it changed. Everything in his life was controlled by his mother, and slowly she started controlling me. Which major should I take in my career? The dresses I should wear are all according to her interests. Even she accompanies us on our dates", she explained.


"I was so in love with him, but when I became mature, I understood my love for Fredrick was not going to work out, and slowly it faded away", She gave me a meaning full look.

"Wait, so you think my love too will go away when I become mature", I asked.
She smiled. 

"Dream on. You are stuck with me. Nothing can change my love. And if you marry any other person, then I will."

"You will? ", she asked.

"I will come to your wedding and cry a river there and drown your groom in that water", I shouted and walked back to the reception without waiting for her.

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