Enter: Veldora

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<<Can you hear me, little one?>>


Is someone talking to me? It's not the Great Sage. Oh! I'm feeling nervous. It's my first time talking with someone in this new life (i.e., as an Ectoplasmic life). Gotta put on a friendly face.

Wait! But how do I interact at all? I don't have a mouth. I can't speak.

"<<Hello? Answer me!>>"

I'm trying to, asshole!! God, this is so frustrating.

"<<Asshole...?? Ahhh...! I suppose you have a death wish?>>"

It can hear me!?

I-I'm sorry. I never realized that I could think things and have anyone other than my skill-voice hear it.

"<<This is the conversation of the mind.>>"

Ahh. W-Well, I can't see, so... Anyways, who are you?

"<<Me? I am... Well, it doesn't matter who I am, as you can't even see me. In that case, I shall help you see. But only if you don't panic when you see me.>>"


"<<There is a Skill called 'Magic Sense.' It will allow you to detect the magicules in your surroundings.>>"


<Answer: This world is covered with magicules. Your slime body operates by absorbing these magicules.>

"<<You can gain the skill by sensing the movements of magicules outside your body. Then you can see and hear the outside world.>>"

Uhhh. I dunno. Things are getting complicated. But no harm in trying it.

Sense something flowing outside my body? Is this it? Are they the magicules the voice mentioned?

<Extra Skill: "Magic Sense" Acquired.>

Really!? Just like that?

<In order to manage the great amount of information gained by this, it is recommended to sync the results with "Great Sage." Will you activate "Magic Sense"?>

Well, obviously. Yes!

And at that moment, my vision turned bright white, and slowly I could see my surroundings. I can see. Finally, I can see!

Whoa! I was in a HUGE cave with shining stones.

"<<It seems you were successful.>>"

Yes! Thank you so—

"<<Then I shall introduce myself now!>>"

As I relished the joy from my vision, the "voice" talked to me, and as I turned around to thank him, I was left utterly speechless.

"<<I AM VELDORA, THE STORM DRAGON! One of the Four True Dragons in this world. KWAA-HA-HA-HA>>"


"<<Hrm? I told you not to panic.>>"


This dragon looks scary and all, but it's surprisingly talkative and helpful.

I told him the story of how I got reincarnated in this world as a slime, and it seems he knew quite a bit about it as well. Apparently, it was quite common for the people in this world to summon people from another world, but not as typical Heroes in a Fantasy world. It would cost quite a fortune to summon them, so summoning them by every country was not an option, but once they were summoned, the summoned people had to obey the summoner's word to a tee and would be kept as weapons for the country's military force.

It was reality after all. The summoned people or Otherworlders would gain quite a few abilities and high magic power, so it was no wonder countries would keep them as a military force. Although it was common for summoning, travelers, and even rebirth to occasionally happen, it seems the way I reincarnated as a Slime along with my memories was extraordinarily rare.


But that means I can find people other than me from that world. And hey! Maybe there are some people from my homeland as well. Guess I should try seeking them.

"<<I see. So you will be leaving me...>>"

Jeez! You don't have to act so lonely. Erm. Are you stuck here, Veldora?

"<<I am. I have been trapped in this cave ever since a Hero sealed me in here 300 years ago.>>"

A Hero, huh? As expected. But the reason Veldora was defeated might not have necessarily been because he was weak or his abilities.

"<<The Hero was very mighty, though her appearance was that of a winsome girl. She was a bit petite and quite slender, with porcelain skin and black hair swaying in the back. Lips of deep crimson...>>"

In conclusion of his story, while Veldora was distracted and taken by the looks of the Hero, she used her skills "Absolute Severance" and "Unlimited Imprisonment" to lock him in this cave.

"<<Whaa...!! H-How dare you suggest that!>>"

He says. Yet the way he seems happy to talk about the defeat. I think this dragon has a thing for humans. He looks intimidating, but now I'm not scared anymore.

Yes, yes. Anyways, you wanna be friends with me.

"<<What-!? Y-You? A Slime? Dare to be 'Friends' with the Great Storm Dragon Veldora?!>>"

Hey! If you don't want to, that's cool, y'know.


Loud. But he took the bait.

Oh yeah? So what's it gonna be?

"<<W-Well... I suppose. I-If you insist... I might consider...>>"

I DO insist, so that settles it!! And if you say NO, I am never going to come back.

"<<W-Wait. Y-You leave me with no choice! I will allow you to be my friend.>>"

Great! Put it here, pal. I shook hands(?) with Veldora, but for some reason, I felt unbearable embarrassment.

Blush! Why are you blushing, you stupid dragon!!

Reincarnation with Rimuru from TensuraWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt