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Arehh? Isn't that the wolf we encountered after coming out of the cave? Well, whatever.

"Listen up! I'm only going to say this once. If you turn back now, you will not be harmed. So, be smart and leave us in peace."

I uttered those words, primarily as a precaution, hoping that perhaps these wolves possessed some level of intelligence. However, as expected, they paid no heed to my warning and charged at us without a second thought.

And so, most of the wolves perished, oblivious to their impending doom. Some met their end by the slashing of my blades, while others succumbed to my water-based attacks after becoming ensnared in the sticky threads. The goblins, too, played their part by resisting, firing arrows and dealing with the wolves caught in the fence.

'What!? I will not accept this. We, the Great Direwolves, will never be bested by inferior monsters like goblins and slime.'

It seemed that the boss of the direwolves was finally making its move. Curiously, it appeared to be able to detect the Steel threads, likely due to the blood of its fallen pack members.

"Yikes! I didn't expect him to tear through all the threads. He's incredibly strong. But..."

'Don't get cocky, measly slime. I will crush you flat!'

'No! Dad! Wait...'

Their defiance only led to their own demise, caught in the very trap they underestimated.

Thanks, little fellow. I mentally extended my gratitude to the small blob of slime that had set the trap.

'Why can't I move...'

With a swift and merciless strike, I used my Water Blade skill to sever his head from his body.

After making sure the boss of the direwolves was incapacitated, I stood before the remaining wolves and spoke in a commanding voice.

"Listen up, Direwolves. Your boss is now dead! Your choice is simple: Fealty or Death. Choose!"

I had anticipated two likely outcomes – either they would seek revenge or flee with their tails between their legs. However, the situation appeared more complex than I had imagined. They stood still, their eyes locked on me, unmoving.

Should I apply more pressure and see how they react?

I then devoured the corpse of the Direwolf Boss using my Unique Skill: Predator.

<Direwolf Analysis Complete.>

With the analysis complete, I proceeded to transform myself into a Direwolf, aiming to intimidate the remaining pack. I let out a ferocious howl, hoping to scare them away. But...


To my surprise, instead of retreating, they began to approach me. Were they so determined to stand their ground, even if it meant facing death? I had hoped to resolve this quickly after dealing with the Direwolf boss, but it seemed my plan had taken an unexpected turn.

"We will follow you to the end of the world, Master."


Reincarnation with Rimuru from TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now