Goblin Lord

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Now, it was time to provide a befitting answer.

"The reason is quite simple, actually. It's because I like humans. That's all."

"I see! It all makes sense!"

Rigur's enthusiastic response was unexpected but quite welcome. It seemed he accepted my answer without further inquiry, which was a relief. But...

.....That was easy! A little too much, don't ya think...


Well, I wasn't lying when I said I liked humans. And as a former human, I knew how they operated. But, I didn't want to tell the goblins anything complicated and risk frying the somewhat intelligence they possessed. Still...

"Listen up, humans live in packs as well, right? And just like us, if they get attacked, they will fight back. However, Can we compete with them when it comes to numbers? We can't. It will be a losing fight."

I explained the concept in a very simplified manner, avoiding any political or religious views that might confuse them. When the time comes, they will realize, that fights are not just fought in battlefields but in other many areas as well.

But right now, It was important to keep it simple and practical.

"Therefore, I forbid you to attack them. Getting along with them will benefit us in the future and long-run anyways."

The crowd burst into murmurs again. They were discussing their own thoughts on the rules.

Well, Most of them just seemed to be in awe of my knowledge about humans, which was a good sign, I think? Well, hopefully.

Overall, it was a fruitful day in my opinion. However, something was bothering me, and that was the strange look on Hiiro's face. He was deep in thought, unaware of my gaze, which was surprising in itself.

Let me tell you this, It was Hiiro, who we were talking about, the same over-protective and observant guy, So it felt quite unnatural to see him not pay attention to something going around him. I felt a sense of unease, as if I were forgetting something crucial. But I pushed the feeling aside for the moment as I was still in the middle of a speech.

"Now then, that sums it up. Those are the rules I expect you to follow. And..."

With the rules in place, it was time to establish official roles within the village. Hiiro had already organized them to some extent, but I needed someone to oversee their progress besides him.


"Yes, My lord?"

"I hereby appoint you as the Goblin Lord."


"Serve as a wise and just leader of the village."

Rigurd was quite capable himself, having managed the village until I arrived, even though they were nearly wiped out at the time. He had the potential to be a good leader.

"My Lord!! I will devote my life to serving this position."


Rigurd kneeled before me with determination in his voice. His loyalty was unwavering, and he reminded me of Hikari in some ways, despite their differences.

Well, Hikari was fiercely devoted to Hiiro alone, willing to sacrifice everything for him. Rigurd, on the other hand, was kind-hearted and loyal but might falter under pressure or follow someone untrustworthy. However, for this situation, he was a perfect fit.

"Very good. I will be expecting much from you."

With Rigurd appointed as the Goblin Lord, I had set up a system where he would oversee the daily tasks and important decisions in my absence. Hiiro would remain in charge of the village from behind the scenes, but Rigurd would act as his proxy for any significant matters.

I was content with being a leader who gave orders but didn't micromanage. A king who reigned but didn't rule every aspect of his subjects' lives. It suited me quite well.

Now then, let's see what the person in question thinks...

As I looked at Hiiro, who sat atop Ranga, I expected him to be very satisfied with this arrangement. He wouldn't have to issue orders directly anymore and could simply relay them to Rigurd when necessary. However, his expression was far from content.

I climbed onto Ranga's back and, finally upon sensing my presence, Hiiro turned to me and asked a question.

Reincarnation with Rimuru from TensuraOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant