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Understanding the gravity of his actions, tears welled up in the female's eyes as she cradled the child. The male goblin gathered his family in a final embrace, his voice heavy with regret.

"I'm sorry. If only I were stronger, you wouldn't have to endure this," the male goblin lamented.

The female remained silent, fully aware that these tragedies were not his fault. While she understood this, she couldn't find the words to refute his self-blame. Her own sense of helplessness weighed heavily on her. Even with the male's sacrifice, the odds of them being discovered by the enemy remained high due to their numerical superiority. Clutching the child tightly, she reassured the male.

"As soon as I get this child to safety, I will follow after you."

Her determination was evident in her words, and the male goblin felt a deep gratitude for having such a resolute mate. He leaned in and kissed both the female and the child on the forehead.

"Thank you. Run in that direction. There is another village."

He pointed towards a direction and began running in the opposite direction himself. The female goblin watched her mate's retreating figure, dazed by his brave act. However, a tug on her clothes jolted her back to reality.

"Where is dad going?" the child asked with innocence.

The female couldn't find words to answer the child's simple question. She could hear howls approaching, so she started running toward the other village. Dawn would soon break, and she had to survive until then. But reality was not about to make it easy for her. The howls grew closer and closer.

Determined to keep the wolves away from her child, she desperately searched for a hiding place. Soon, she stumbled upon a small cave. It was tiny, just enough for the child's small stature. It would be difficult for others to enter. Tears welled up in her eyes as she urged her child to crawl inside the cave and gave her instructions.

"My child, don't make any noise, and do not come out of the cave under any circumstances until the sun comes up, understand?"

The child nodded, her eyes filled with fear. "Yes, Mom. Are you going somewhere?"

"My lovely child, I love you so much. Please, please survive." the mother whispered with teary eyes before running in the opposite direction of the cave.

The child watched her mother disappear from her view, her heart heavy with fear and sorrow. She felt the crushing weight of helplessness, knowing that her parents were putting themselves in grave danger to protect her.

Soon after, the echoes of wolf howls and a woman's scream reached her ears. The child knew exactly what had happened but couldn't rush out of the cave, ignoring her mother's last wishes. She clenched her tiny fists in frustration and despair, muffling her sobs as she held back tears.

She spent agonizing hours inside the cave, each moment feeling like an eternity. She thought about her parents, the fear and danger they faced for her. The child's heart ached with longing and worry.

Finally, when the howls ceased, she cautiously crawled out of the cave, her small form trembling with fear and anxiety. Following the direction her father had pointed to in his last moments, she began her lonely and uncertain journey.

As she walked through the dense forest, tears welled up in her eyes, and she thought about her family and the life she had lost. She wondered what awaited her in this new village and if she would ever find a sense of belonging again.

Eventually, she reached a village and became a refugee there, hoping for a chance at a new life. It was in that very village where Rimuru would soon arrive.

Reincarnation with Rimuru from TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now