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We didn't need words to understand each other; perhaps it was due to our shared species or our similar thought processes. However, there were certain things Hiiro was quite passionate about. Notably, one of those things was me, and the other was his own comfort. I had a feeling that if he had the choice, he'd laze around all day, if he had someone to accompany him that is. As much as I wanted that for him, our current circumstances didn't allow for such luxuries.

This village was just beginning to take shape, and with their recent evolution, maintaining order here became crucial. Without proper organization, things could easily spiral out of control, and by the time we realized it, it might be too late to manage the chaos. As I contemplated these matters, Hiiro asked me a question.

"...Are you all right now?"

"Hmm. Oh, yes! I'm perfectly fine. It seems my magicule level ran out after naming all of them, but it has fully recovered."

"...Is that so?"

He appeared to be deep in thought, gears turning in his head. I wanted to ask him about his thoughts, but our conversation was interrupted by an approaching presence.

Drawing closer, a tall and elegant figure emerged into view. This individual, a woman with flowing brown hair, possessed a striking appearance that seemed more in line with humans than goblins. Her long legs, slender arms, and perfectly shaped face made her stand out in stark contrast to the typical goblin.

Moreover, the two prominent features on her chest added to her newfound allure. Hiiro had indeed gained a formidable follower.

As she approached, she greeted me with, "It's very good to see you, Lord Rimuru." I became more certain. Her voice was unmistakable, belonging to Hikari, the one who had requested Hiiro to bestow her with a name during the naming ceremony.

The transformation was so drastic that I could hardly recognize her. The signature dark green skin of goblins was almost nonexistent, replaced by a light, pale green hue that could easily be mistaken for a human complexion. From every angle, she exuded a striking, almost model-like presence.

It was astonishing how the act of naming had wrought such a transformation. Her appearance had undergone a remarkable change, one that could easily make her a top model in my previous world.

After our brief exchange of greetings, she moved on to her intended purpose. Without wasting time on formalities, she approached Hiiro, kneeling behind him, and immediately stated her reason for intruding.

"Sir Hiiro, I have a report to make."

Her directness caught me by surprise, but I quickly recalled that this was Hiiro we were dealing with. He likely instructed her to skip unnecessary pleasantries and promptly present her report. Even now, his visible irritation at the mention of a report was palpable to all present.

However, he promptly dismissed her, stating, "...Not now."

Hikari accepted his response without argument, responding with a simple "Understood." She then stepped back a few paces and assumed a waiting posture, resembling a dutiful maid.

Although I found their interaction somewhat surprising, I chose to remain silent. It wasn't my place to interject, and if the matter were urgent, Hikari would have certainly made it clear. Given Hiiro's competence in managing the village during my absence, I felt confident in entrusting matters to him.

Turning my attention to my plans, I decided to broach the topic with him.

"I'm planning to venture out to nearby cities."

Hiiro remained silent, indicating his desire for me to elaborate.

"We need skilled craftsmanship in our midst. Our village lacks proper shelter, clothing, and other essential elements."

His reaction was very intriguing. It seemed he had anticipated my intention.

"Did you expect me to say something like this?" I asked.

"Yes," came his succinct reply.

I knew it.

"Why is that?" I inquired further.

His response left me genuinely curious about how he had reached this conclusion.

"..You probably want to develop this village into a proper foundation where you can start developing and experimenting with things from your world." he explained.

Reincarnation with Rimuru from TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now