The Deathman

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This was a realm where Demon Lords reigned supreme, perched at the pinnacle of the hierarchical food chain, their exalted status came with an unintended consequence: relentless boredom.

This world was is in the midst of an Uncanny Peace. Although, there were few skirmishes here and there, the world was relatively at peace.

However, this could also be seen as an opportunity for creating chaos and bring as many possible deaths, by many beings.

And Among these Demon Lords, one harbored a sinister plan, a scheme that would soon cast a menacing shadow over the once-serene Great Forest of Jura.

The roots of this malevolent plot were enigmatic.

Whether it was fate's intricate web weaving its threads once more or the Demon Lord's own yearning for something that was concealed within the depths of the forest, No matter the reason, the pieces were in place, and the plan was irrevocably set into motion.

Demon Lord Clayman, the one harboring the said sinister plan, a being of unfathomable power and cunning, beheld the unfolding drama through an ornate crystal orb.

His crimson eyes glinted with a wicked amusement as he observed an orc, its brutish form devouring a sizable chunk of raw meat with primal delight.

Meanwhile, he sipped his wine, the deep red liquid swirling in a crystal goblet held delicately in his clawed hand.

He was enjoying the scene where the pieces needed for his plan came together one by one.

Before long, the very heart of the forest would become a crucible of chaos and conflict, the likes of which no inhabitant could have ever imagined.

And Clayman stood at the epicenter of this impending turmoil, as the mastermind behind a grand orchestration.

As the malevolent symphony played out more and more, the consequences grew ever more dire.

Millions of lives teetered on the precipice of annihilation, and an entire nation faced the grim prospect of being erased from the world's map, both metaphorically and literally, from the Absolute and Merciless Rage of a being, whose heart was broken into million pieces, because of the same sinister plan Clayman orchestrated.

This day, marked the genesis of a cataclysmic maelstrom, and the consequences would ripple across time and space like never before.

This was truly an abnormal and unanticipated situation where if the so-called God existed in this world, even he would be perturbed by the unfolding scene.

The World was changing it's course into an Uncharted territory further and further.

Just a sole entity had intruded upon this world seemingly harmless but the simple ripple that being created had made this world diverge not just from the original path of constant and perpetual loop but even from the modified path that this world was supposed to take after Rimuru's Interventions.

That's why, the world was trying to take care of this unpredictable intruder who had the power to change the destiny and fate even if that being himself was unaware of it.

But that in itself might have been the actual cause of the upcoming chaos and the divergence of the world's intended path.

It was a loop in itself that was going to happen either way.

Simply put, A intruder is found, The world tries to neutralize the intruder by pulling certain strings of fate to create chaos and is successful in doing so, but that finalizes the impending doom even further.

Should the world had seized it's intervention even after finding out an intruder had taken root in it?

It was like saying:

Should our body hold an foreign and unknown matter such as a Virus, hoping it won't turn out be a dangerous one? Or proceed to eliminate it even if that matter was supposed to help our body just like the Artificial Anti-bodies injected in our veins?

It was a complicated situation where there was no correct answer.

What were the chances of Clayman just standing still doing nothing even if there was no intruder in the world?


He would've tried to create chaos in this world one way or another leading to the same consequences.

That's just how Fate worked.

It was Predestined.

But If Clayman were to get the glimpse the catastrophic outcome of his recent actions, would he embrace it with open arms or recoil in horror at the devastation he had unleashed?

The truth remained a tantalizing enigma, forever shrouded in the depths of a malevolent mind.

No matter the choices now, He was never going to get that chance and he would pay for it very dearly.

And so, as the gears of destiny turned and the world plunged into uncertainty, one thing was certain: it was already too late to change the course of events set in motion by the Demon Lord Clayman.

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