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"Lord Rimuru, Sir Hiiro is awake."


If I were a human with a heart, right now it would be pounding so fast that someone might think it would explode any moment.

Finally, that twerp is awake.

This must be what relief feels like in this body.

But I had to calm down. I was still unsure.

Not that I didn't trust Rigurd, but I was a little scared that this might just turn out to be an illusion, a dream, and when I go there I would just see a motionless blob of a body and not my little brother.

I was anxious.

But at the same time, my body moved unconsciously.

I was already out of the tent and on my way.

My vision was focused, my senses dulled and sharpened at the same time toward a single destination, ignoring everything else on the way.

My slime body would take too long to reach the house he was in.

We were near the entrance of the village, and he was at the very end of the village.

I swiftly transformed myself into a Star Tempest wolf and tore my way through the wind towards my destination.

It barely took me a few seconds to reach here, but it felt like a lot of time had passed, and finally, I was in front of the housing he was in.

I transformed myself back to my original form and waited at the door, conflicted on what to do next or how to react.

I could already hear the noise of someone sobbing inside.

Just one more step, and I would see him.

Finally, after weeks of waiting.

It felt surreal; the little blob that used to stick close to me all the time had disappeared, and it felt lonely, regardless of how many people were around me.

That brat making me this worried.

Determined, I slowly made my way inside.

Hikari was crying while hugging him to her chest.

The same blue-colored slime who resembled me.

I wanted to hug him as well.

Usually, he would complain when someone did this, but this time he just waited silently for Hikari to calm down. It seems he understood the reason for her sadness without anyone telling him.

I just waited there as well.

And after what felt like an eternity, he pats Hikari's head to calm her down and looks at me.

"...It's been a while."

He sounded the very same from what I heard last time, yet so different.

He sounded... mature. Like he had grown up from his teenage days. He truly was growing up fast. But I could sense faint traces of sadness and concern in his voice.

I never wanted this. I wanted him to grow at his own pace, devoid of so many hardships, but the circumstances didn't allow it. I wanted to spoil him like my own brother, but by the time I realized he was important to me, he was already gone.

This time... I will not allow anything to happen to him, no matter what.

I had to reply to him first, but it felt like there was a lump in my throat. I forced myself to give a reply.

"... You're finally awake."

I had millions of questions brewing inside me, but now was neither the time nor the place. So, I had no choice but to keep them to myself for now.

There was an important thing to do right now anyway.

"..Do you feel okay? Is anything wrong now?"

I asked him, just in case I missed something.

I wanted to jump in and hug him as well as inspecting his body to make sure it's okay, but I had to refrain myself for now. I'll have him all to myself after this.

"...No, I'm alright. But..."

So he says and looks outside.

"..It seems we have company."

Hmm? What's he talking about? Back to bodyguard mode already?


Just moments after he says that, I sense someone outside the hut we were in.

It was none other than Shizu.

And after a few moments, she peeks inside.

"Um... Is everything okay? You went in a hurry, so I was worried."

She asks while peeking her face with her symbolic mask inside.

So cute.

"Ahem! Everything's alright now. Come on in. Let me introduce you to my brother."


Reincarnation with Rimuru from TensuraNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ