The Sacrifice

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The goblin village appeared incredibly small and fragile. The houses seemed as though they were on the verge of collapsing, lacking proper foundations or structural integrity. For most of the goblins, sleeping outdoors was the only option, with exceptions made for children, women, and the elderly. The surrounding trees served as both a natural barrier and a lookout tower for scouting the nearby areas. Additionally, they provided much-needed shade for the goblins during the night.

Beneath one of these trees lay a small, emaciated girl curled up in a fetal position. She stood out even among the already diminutive goblins due to her extreme thinness. It was evident that she had gone without food for a considerable time. Her arms bore cuts, and her feet were in tatters. Her long hair was matted with dirt and dust, and her swollen eyes suggested recent bouts of crying.

The direwolves had been defeated by the new Lord, to whom the goblins had sworn their loyalty. The mood in the village was jubilant and filled with joy. Despite the shortage of food and other essential resources, the goblins were in high spirits thanks to their recent victory. However, the girl felt even more lost in this jubilant atmosphere.

The place where the goblins resided was known as "The Great Forest of Jura." It was under the direct protection of one of the True Dragons in the world, the Storm Dragon Veldora. Even though Veldora was sealed within a cave, his mere presence struck fear into the hearts of all beings. No one dared to act against his will in this forest, and this was not limited to just monsters but extended to neighboring countries and other powerful entities worldwide. Thus, despite the abundant resources within the forest, no one in their right mind would dare to invade it, ultimately turning it into a neutral zone.

But when that imposing presence suddenly vanished without a trace, chaos began to brew among the monsters of the forest. With the former guardian gone, the creatures vied with one another for new territories and dominance. The direwolves, in particular, were driven by insatiable greed for power. However, their aggression was not reckless, for they knew that provoking beings stronger than themselves, like ogres, would lead to their swift annihilation.

Instead, the cunning direwolves sought prey weaker than them, individuals who couldn't mount a resistance. This led to a reign of terror over the nearby goblin villages. In one such village, a family of three narrowly escaped the slaughter. But their respite was fleeting, for the direwolves possessed keen senses and were swifter and more potent than the goblins. Soon, they would be relentlessly pursued and mercilessly killed, adhering to the merciless law of the jungle, where the strong held sway over all.

The male goblin sprinted through the forest, clutching a small child tightly in his arms. Behind him, the female goblin trailed, her face etched with fear and despair. He was well aware that their chances of escaping this dire situation were slim to none. Nevertheless, he was determined to ensure the survival of at least his family. With a heavy heart, he made a difficult decision and passed the child in his arms to the female goblin.

Understanding the gravity of his actions, tears welled up in the female's eyes as she cradled the child. The male goblin gathered his family in a final embrace, his voice heavy with regret.

"I'm sorry. If only I were stronger, you wouldn't have to endure this," the male goblin lamented.

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