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From the next day, the area near Hiiro's house became off-limits. Although no official notice was put up, the palpable bloodlust emanating from the vicinity was enough to deter anyone who ventured too close. Breathing became a struggle within its radius.

Hikari, till this day, held on to her anger from that event.

It was probably one of the reasons why she despised talking to males. There were exceptions, of course, such as Hiiro, me, and Ranga(?).

Now, setting Ranga, the wolf, and us, the Slimes, aside, it dawned on me that she had no interaction with males of her own species whatsoever.

These boys had quite the journey ahead if they aimed to even engage in a conversation with Hikari, let alone date her.

Apart from this, not much of significance occurred in these few weeks.

The city was gradually taking shape. We now had dedicated buildings for essential functions like storage, cooking, and even a guest reception area, just in case we had visitors. We aimed to make this place as hospitable as possible, after all.

I found myself casually strolling around the construction site. With no pressing matters at hand, it was a way to pass the time.

"Good morning, Lord Rimuru."

"Oh, Haruna, good morning. Working hard today, as always, I see."

"O-Oh, No. I'm just doing my duty."

During my stroll, I came across Haruna, a dedicated Goblin who always gave her best.

I couldn't help but notice how the Goblins, including her, were now donning proper attire.


They were wearing clothes crafted from monster leather hunted in the forest, intricately woven with the soft fur of the Tempest Wolves. The three Dwarves we had were truly exceptional, not only creating fantastic items but also teaching our Hobgoblins and others these new skills.

After a few pleasantries, Haruna went about her work. She resembled a government official, ensuring the smooth flow of information from one department to another.

I have to say, she's quite adorable.

However, it's essential to remember that Hikari is extraordinary and shouldn't be compared to a typical Goblin.

Now then, what should I do?

"Hmm? Isn't that Gobta?"

I observed Gobta's hurried steps.

"Oh, if it isn't Lord Rimuru, whatcha doing over here?"

Gobta's manner of speaking lacked refinement, to say the least.

"That's quite an impolite way to address someone, Gobta. Good morning, Lord Rimuru."

I was pleasantly surprised by Rigur's courteous greeting.

"Good morning, both of you. So, what brings you here so early?" I asked.

"It's our turn for gathering food today. We thought it would be better to head out early rather than wait for the sun to rise."

I see.

I was quite intrigued by the prospect of watching them hunt. Maybe I should join them, I thought.

Hikari was here as well, so I could leave for a brief period without concerns.

However, before I could suggest the idea, Gobta excitedly chimed in.

"That's right! Lord Rimuru should come with us!"

Nicely done, Gobta.

"Hmm, you know what, I think I will. I've got some free time."


And That's how I ended up joining the hunting group not knowing what lay ahead of me.


We engaged in hunting for a considerable duration. When I say "we," I mean the others did the majority of the hunting while I observed from atop one of the Tempest Wolves. The hunting team comprised seven members, displaying impeccable teamwork. Some distracted the enemies while others targeted their weaknesses, a practical but less skillful approach. I lacked the necessary knowledge to critique their techniques, so I silently observed.

The monsters we encountered during the hunt included giant crabs, a massive pig, and a colossal ant. Everything seemed unnaturally large, as if someone had copied and enlarged them before pasting them into this world. It was somewhat disappointing.

But I'm sure it won't be the end. From what I had seen so far, the terrifying ones always took their time and only struck when the timing was in their favor. So, for a change, disappointment was a good thing because if a unique monster did show, I'm certain it would be strong. And no matter the place, the chain of events that followed when such a situation occurred was... well, disastrous.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then let this neighborhood slime explain to you. In my world, I used to read a lot of novels and stuff. And in those, there was a very common storyline, mostly in Chinese ones but still very common, where a random mob character happens to die at the hands of the protagonist. But guess what? He wasn't that much of a mob because his brother, father, or sworn friend just happened to have a small role in an organization in that world.

So, he comes after the protagonist for revenge. But the protagonist has to protect himself, so he does what he needs to and takes care of him. And when I say take care, I mean he ends his life. You might have already guessed, but this guy also happened to have someone close who has a lot of authority in that world, and the cycle continues. These guys were called chain villains.

(Ref: The Author's POV. Check it out, it's good.)

They would eventually lead the protagonist to either the final boss himself or make him suffer by making it unable for him to live normally in the world. Either way, just a mob would lead to that much aftermath. So, what would you rather choose, disappointment or uniqueness?

This world is unknown to me right now. So, if I go out there and provoke some chain villains in the process, it wouldn't do any good for me or the developing city. The strongest entities in this world are someone who are at the level of Veldora in his peak. So, I am rather content right now with what I have.

Anyways, Let's not get distracted. We have lots of monsters in the vicinity and we can't afford to make mistakes. I'm already dealing with one and I don't want to create a new one.

I don't know what I would do if it happened again...


Lot of Info Dump in this chapter. But I promise this will make sense in future. ....Hopefully...Maybe?
Anyways, we have a lot of characters coming in the future. Original ones.
I'll see you soon.

Have fun reading!

Reincarnation with Rimuru from TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now