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We need Allies.

And This is my immediate purpose.

I cannot make plans for the distant future. I once drew inspiration from a quote during my early days: "Without a solid foundation, the grandest of plans will crumble, so master the basics."

This village will serve as the cornerstone for my future endeavors and my goals, and it must be resilient and strong enough to support both me and my aspirations.

Hiiro is an invaluable and irreplaceable asset to my goals, not merely due to his skills.

Yes, if I were to ask him, he would likely dedicate himself to building my dream without a second thought. He possesses not only the necessary skills but also the unwavering determination to see it through. If I were to liken this to a game of chess, he might be compared to either the Knight or even the Queen perhaps due to his flexibility, without any regard to gender.

However, the reason for his importance is far simpler, perhaps even sentimental.

Because, in the end, What is the worth of your goals if they distance you from those close to you, causing their suffering rather than happiness?

If the goals I pursue bring more pain than joy to those around me, then they are not worth chasing. In the not-so-distant future, once I've achieved my aspirations, I simply want the people who made it possible to share smiles and laughter together.

And I'll begin with him—the one who may have never experienced true happiness, love, joy, and so much more. I want him to experience these feelings.

I'll introduce him to the marvels of the modern world from my previous life. He'll taste various cuisines, explore different traditions and cultures, meet new people, and so much more. I'll ensure that the trust my little brother placed in me will not be in vain.

But, he doesn't need to know all of this now. Someday, when all is said and done, and we find ourselves basking in the sunlight, just the two of us, or maybe even with our Kin and significant others, I'll share this story. It will be the tale of how my little brother and I embarked on this journey, starting with a simple goblin village.

I lost myself in these thoughts, gazing at the village in the distance.

Hiiro and I sat beneath the shade of a tree atop a hill. Ranga and Hikari waited a few meters away, likely to give us some privacy. He understood my intention to leave the village temporarily to recruit skilled craftsmen for its development. It was a daring move, but someone had to take the initiative.

"...When are you planning to leave?" Hiiro inquired.

"In a few days. I need to lay down some rules and regulations in the village before I go. Although I haven't quite decided where to go or how long it will take. That's why, Hiiro..."

"..Hmm?" He turned his gaze towards me as I said his name.

"Please take care of the village again in my absence, okay?"

"..Understood." He responded promptly, without a hint of hesitation. Then, he called out to the presence behind us.

Reincarnation with Rimuru from TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now