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(Third-person POV)

Several days had passed since Rimuru's departure for the Dwargen Nation. During this time, not much of significance had occurred in the region, except for one noteworthy development.

The region that had long been terrorized by the Direwolves was home to several goblin settlements. Many of these settlements had suffered greatly due to the relentless attacks of the Direwolves. However, the sudden disappearance of these local terrorizers, who would strike under the cover of night, piqued the curiosity of the nearby inhabitants.

Word quickly spread that these Direwolves had been wiped out by the new lord of a nearby Goblin village. The news of their demise spread like wildfire, reaching neighboring villages within days. As a result, a steady stream of goblins began arriving at Rigurd's village, seeking to become permanent residents.

The number of goblins requesting to join the village amounted to a staggering 500 individuals. Rigurd and his companions found themselves facing the daunting task of managing this influx of newcomers. The crowd that had gathered outside the village's fence was sizable and boisterous.

But, when compared to the conditions they had endured in their own villages, Rigurd's village was viewed as a sanctuarya place under the protection of a benevolent ruler.

However, this led to a commotion as the newcomers were determined to gain entry, no matter the cost.

At that moment, a certain figure, visibly displeased, made a move, and a wave of intimidating aura radiated from him.

The menacing aura, so contradictory with his cute appearance, extended throughout the entire village. The nearby Goblins certainly felt it but were not deceived by it, but for the outsiders seeking residency, it created a misunderstanding. They believed his displeasure was directed at their sudden arrival, and while they weren't entirely wrong, they were not fully correct either.

Nevertheless, survival in this harsh environment meant aligning with a powerful figure. The appearance of this potent being seemed heaven-sent to them. Pledging loyalty to him meant not only safeguarding their own lives but also the lives of their children and women from countless future dangers.

Thus, they were resolute in meeting this approaching figure, even as the oppressive atmosphere weighed down on them with every step he took. Their determination was unwavering, for it was the only way to face this enigmatic being with their heads held high.

However, not all of the beings that had found their way to this village harbored pure intentions. Some sought the safety and sanctuary it offered, while others were drawn by the allure of idleness in this newfound comfort zone.

Yet, all such thoughts evaporated the moment 'that' being stood before them. The palpable, menacing aura he exuded rendered the goblins motionless. Not a single soul dared to meet his gaze; they all kneeled, their eyes firmly fixed on the ground.

The figure in question was a slime so charming that even the most hardened hearts and prettiest maidens would secretly yearn for his companionship. But, the atmosphere surrounding him told a vastly different story.

He was carried by a strikingly beautiful female whose pale green skin and grace could have easily fooled anyone into believing she was human. Yet, despite the oppressive aura emanating from the slime, she remained unfazed.

Following closely behind was a Hobgoblin whose immense strength made him an obvious choice for a Goblin Champion. These individuals were none other than Hiiro, Hikari, and Rigurd.

But, Among them, Rigurd felt an overwhelming tension. Despite his familiarity with Lord Rimuru's companion, Sir Hiiro, the current atmosphere painted a contrasting picture.

At the forefront of the assembly were the Goblin Elders from various villages, all prostrating themselves in a gesture of deep respect. Behind them stood a diverse crowd, including the injured, children, and those cradling infants. The sight was a poignant testament to the hardships they had endured. Anyone who chanced upon this scene couldn't help but feel a surge of empathy.

Rigurd was certainly among them, but amidst the companions, he stood alone in experiencing this emotion. Hikari, despite sharing the same species, displayed no inclination to intervene. Even if the Slime had embarked on a merciless rampage, her loyalty would remain unwavering.

Hiiro remained silent, and the goblins dared not utter a word from their prostrate positions.

Why? Simply because they lacked the permission to do so. Upon closer inspection, an incredible number of threads crisscrossed the area where the goblins knelt. Any careless movement would undoubtedly trigger a devastating consequence. The goblins seemed to sense this instinctively, and not one among them dared to act recklessly; they remained motionless.

After what felt like an eternity to the goblins kneeling on the ground, Hiiro finally broke the silence.

"...Raise your heads."

The threads that had loomed menacingly a moment ago, had vanished without a trace, but Hiiro's aura still bore down on them, seemingly growing even more oppressive. The goblins obeyed his command cautiously, lifting their heads with trepidation. Even though they now gazed upon the source of this intimidating presence—a lowly species known as a Slime—none among them dared to question it. They looked upon him in a mix of fear, awe, and shock.

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