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(I'm sorry for takeing long- idk how to right fight scenes so I like tried for so long 💀)
Bryan's pov:

"Fire dragon roar!" I yelled as I felt the slight burning sensation go through my throat as I breathed fire towards Davis as he dodged it halfway.

"You almost dodged that.." I huff between words exhausted. We had been training not stop for two hours since allumos decided to train us harder since we joined grimshade.

"Hurry up fire boy attack!" I hear allumos yell from behind as we slowed down during training. "why are you picking on me!" I yell looking back getting distracted as I get Davis fist hit me.

"That's why." I hear him reply from behind me as I got up trying to hit Davis back. I kept trying to swing my Sword while dodging attacks from him yet I kept missing soon i finally got a hit on him which made him fall down.

"Yes! I finally did it!" I yell dropping my sword putting my arms up in victory. I walked over to Davis lending him a hand to help him up after the hit. "You Got better.." I heard Davis pant as he got up.

"I was not even trying!" I said putting my hands on my waist confidently. "Uh huh sure you were fire boy." I hear allumos say right behind me making me jump slightly with how close he was.

"Oh my- you scared me!" I said as I quickly stepped away from him as he was towering over me.

"You get scared of everything fire boy!" I slightly yelled while ruffling my hair. "Alright go back to fighting I want to see more improvement" he said pushing my head slightly forward before walking back.

"Already? We barely got a break!" I yelled in frustration "Bryan it's fine this is how we get stronger.." I heard Davis say before walking back to the middle of the patch of grass so we could continue..

I walked towards the grass as I sighed feeling exhausted already but knowing this would make me stronger helped me get more motivated..

We both got into positions inside the grass patch as we both signaled each other we were ready, Davis head towards me and swung at me barely missing, a dodged down using me leg to kick him. The moment I touched him with my leg he used blink and appeared behind me kicking my stomach making me roll over in the dirt.

I quickly got up, using a fire pillar to try and slow him down. I ran towards him finally being able to land a kick making him stumble back. I tried to use that opportunity to swing at him, but it backfired as he used a lighting bolt at me making me get flung back to the ground.

I felt weight on me seeing Davis on top of me panting. "Victory.." he says before getting up dusting himself off. He stretched his hand out pulling me up from the ground.

Allumos walked towards us as we got up. "Good job you two, you both are getting stronger.." he said putting both hands on his hips lightly smiling.


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