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3rd pov:

It all happened so quickly, one moment everyone was having an amazing time then the next moment chaos. Everyone at the Halloween party humans and animatronics were taken, except for 6. Ivy, Dylan, Pluto, Bryan, Colin, and security candy.

Security candy had broken as they got thrown earlier by one of the creatures that invaded the party. Pluto and Dylan were with them while the other three were still standing there trying to process what had happened.

The line, 'You didn't tell them about us Bryan?' Sat wrong with Ivy, even tho she heard Bryan himself say he didn't know them she knew he could have lied. But why would they be going after him? Ivy turned to the right of her to try and ask Bryan if he knew anything but the moment she looked up she saw him already up the staircase looking around frantically.

"Colin? Are you okay?" she spoke up as she walked towards him, she noticed how he had been standing there the entire time not moving. It finally hit him, everyone was gone and they were the only ones left and they had to deal with these creatures coming after them.

"Oh, I- I don't know, this just happened so quickly," his voice was shaky as he spoke. Colin looked away from the staircase where his eyes had been previously locked.

"I know, I wonder if everyone is going to be okay, heck I wonder if we are going to be okay." Ivy seemed to doubt her statement, she didn't wonder she hoped that everyone was at least alive.

"I hope we are, but we're those animatronics real? Or things?" Colin remembered how they turned from other animatronics to what they are, it was a confusing turn of events for everyone but some knew how to handle it more than others.

Pluto left Dylan to let them be for a moment to check up on the other two to see how they had been handling it or if they knew anything at all.

"Are you two okay?" Pluto asked as they took off their blindfold to be able to see better. They took Ivy by the slightest surprise as she didn't think they would be with them at the moment.

"Yeah, just you know surprised..wait, where Doug!?" Colin had realized that Doug wasn't with him and was about to run off until Ivy quickly grabbed his arm pulling him back.

"What are you doing I need to find him-" Colin tried squirming out of ivy grips until she had cut him off.

"Stop! We need to get everyone together and at least try and calm everyone down so we can try and figure this out." She was already frustrated, confused, and concerned she didn't want more of any of that added on due to someone not listening.

"Okay Pluto, why's Dylan on the phone?" Ivy was about to ask Pluto to grab Dylan to call him over here until she noticed that he had been on the phone which looked like he was on a call.

Dylan put his phone in his pocket sighing before he started to head toward the trio near the fountain. He called his animatronics to tell them a hint of what was going on and to not expect him to be there, he hoped that Vinnie was calm and not panicked like usual.

"Okay is everyone okay?" Dylan asked as he went up to the three. He was about to continue talking when he noticed that one seemed to be missing, his brother Bryan. The others noticed the confusion plastered onto his face. Pluto was about to ask if anything was okay until he spoke up.

"Where's Bryan? He was here wasn't he?" his voice seemed more panicked than usual which wouldn't be unusual if someone went missing just after everyone else had, he was worried that he had gotten taken too.

"I think he went upstairs, I was going to talk to him but he was already running up the stairs," Ivy said as she remembered that she was going to ask if he knew anything.

"What do you mean he went upstairs!? Why didn't you tell him to stay here?" Dylan had been even more worried than before. He didn't give the rest a chance to speak before running upstairs to go and look for Bryan not caring for the calls from them behind him.

(I wanted to push the chapter out quickly so I'll do a part 2 pookies)

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