|Love to hatred| |fnaf|

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3rd pov:

After trying to make ammends with his animatronics and easily failing,  he decided to go to vendi. he didnt know weather vendi would even be okay to see him but he wanted to see him.

Clicking the button on the wall of the elevator he felt himself having regret in even going inside the building. Yet it was too latefor him, the only way to go for him was up right now.

The elevator door opened making Bryan's palms sweat and his heart beat faster. He took a few steps forward as he saw Vendi sitting at his desk, he looked drained, dead, exhausted. He looks like he hasn't slept in days, hell even weeks.

"Vendi?" Bryan nervously spoke up making Vendi look up from his desk. The moment Vendi laid eyes on Bryan it seemed as if he saw a ghost.

"Bryan?" he stood up quickly walking around his desk heading towards Bryan with a worried expression on his face. That soon worried expression turned into a look of resentment. Like he didn't want him there, which was expected yet still threw Bryan off.

"Vendi listen, I'm sorry" Bryan remorsefully said as he walked closer to him before getting pushed away by Vendi.

"Sorry? How can you be sorry?" Vendi said with anger growing in his voice the more he looked at Bryan.

"I regret what I did, I truly do." the attempt to reunite with his 'lover' had turned into and argument, which once again, Bryan should've expected.

"You left me! How am I supposed to believe that you actually regret what you did when you wouldn't even listen to me! Don't you get it?" Vendi yelled clenching his fists into a ball from anger.

"I get it! I shouldn't have left you! I know that! I'm sorry!" Bryan yelled, feeling tears fill his eyes. He shouldn't be the one crying, he did the harm. So why is it that each time he tries to apologize he cries in the end?

"NO! For fuck sakes Bryan don't you get it!? I can't trust you at all! I asked you for one thing! One fucking thing! To stay away from the portal and to not mess with it without me!" Vendi paused taking a breath before continuing

"Do you even love me? I've done so much for you and this is what I get in return!? What have I done? What didn't I do!? What did I have to do in order to get every little perfect thing you wanted?" Vendi's cheeks had tears running down as he tried to compress his growing hatred for the person he once loved.

It felt so painful to look at Bryan, he knew wasn't the same person he once loved. Where did he go wrong? Was it even his fault? So many questions flew through his mind at the moment. But he didn't have the guts to continue looking at Bryan anymore longer.

"Listen I do love-" Bryan tried to reason with him but he had been cut off.

"Get out." Vendi said wiping tears away as he backed away more from Bryan.

"W-what?" he stuttered as he felt tears going down his face. Why would Vendi want him to get out?

"You heard me, get out" he repeated, being more harsh with his tone this time. "Before I call security."  and with that, Bryan nodded before making his way out the elevator.


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