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3rd pov:

Death is a scary concept for people, others may not find the subject of death to be that 'tormenting'. On the other hand, some may be even terrified to even hear a conversation leading towards death. That's how mindsets work, some may not understand it yet or they just choose ignorance to be the best solution.

"It's going to be okay," was one of the first words that came out of Vendi's mouth after a long session of him and Bryan ranting to one another and comforting each other. It had been a normal visit to the fazbear tower, They both sat on the couch starting up a conversation that led to this. They never intended to make their conversation turn into a sentimental thing. It had been one of the few times that vendi had allowed his emotions to 'control him', allowing him to express himself to Bryan. Bryan had also done the same thing to vendi, they both allowed themselves to become 'weak' around each other.

"What if it doesn't turn out okay vendi? I- glitch trap is still out there, the 'nightmare animatronics' are still there!" Bryan stammered raising his voice slightly. Bryan knew that with his limited time left he wasn't able to fix all the problems he 'caused'. Now, not all of them are his fault but he continues and did believe that they were and are his fault due to him realizing how naive he was.

Vendi noticed how anxious he was and tried his best to calm Bryan down, yes the wasn't the best person to come to if you needed 'therapy' but he knew how to calm Bryan down whenever he wasn't okay.

Vendi gently cupped Bryan's face pulling it towards himself as he gave him a small kiss on the mouth as an attempt to make him call down. Which it did, but vendi could still sense that Bryan was as anxious as ever.

The conversation of 'wanting to protect each other' soon led to the talk of death and started to make bryan stress even more.

"I-I don't want you to die vendi-" Bryan tried telling him that glitchtrap could kill him but he was cut off.

"I'm not going to die because of him, neither are you. Please stop worrying about the future you know we don't have much time left."  Vendi said with a slight harsh tone.

Bryan quickly blinked his tears away as he tried to calm down. Lately it seemed as if they never got a break from anything. He sighed before deciding to just try and let it go to enjoy the moment of comfort the two were having.

(Very short chapter but MERRY CHRISTMAS)

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