11-Lull (Unnamed AU)

Start from the beginning

Light jumped. Did he ever say what his name was to Sabre?

"It was a nightmare." Light brushed past the realization. Maybe Violet was right with his memories just being mixed up. The fever definitely wasn't helping.

Sabre blinked slowly. "Oh..." his gaze drifted to the wall behind him. "Are we back in the Rainbow Town?" He asked.

Light froze. Rainbow Town?

'-he asked where the town was.'

Light nodded absentmindedly. If that's where Sabre thought he was, then it was best he kept it like that. Waking up somewhere he possibly doesn't know would just stress him out.

"Yeah." Lifht said. "Why don't you go back to sleep? You're really sick right now." Light stood up and grabbed the rag they were using, before dipping it in the still cold water. Maybe Green came and changed it?

Sabre mumbled something.

"What did you say?" Light asked. He rung out the excess water and placed it on Sabre's forehead.

Sabre gave a small smile. "You 'ound like Alex. And actin' 'ow too."

Light gave a soft smile, even with his confusion. Who was Alex? "Whatever you say." Light took his seat once more.

Sabre hummed. "'Ere the other one?"

"Other one?"

Sabre nodded. "There was a second you."

Light choked on his breath. What?! Sabre, unknowing of Light's dilemma, continued on. "'Ore armor. With a spear-" Wait...him? Did Sabre think he was two people? "-and-" Sabre gasped, eyes lighting up. "Light!" Sabre's voice hit the loudest it's been the entire conversation, which was just at a normal talking volume.

"...yeah?" Light really hoped it was something normal.

"The colors aren't all gone!" His eyes, whilst still cloudy, had a spark ignited in them. "The Darkness didn't destroy everyone! Who knows how many others there are hidden!"

Light gave a tense smile. "That's...great!"

What in the name of Origin is Sabre talking about? He's acting like the world ended.

Sabre smiled back. "I know..." He hummed softly. "Do you ever 'onder what it t'was like?"

"What...was like?"

"The world before the Darkness..." Sabre yawned. "Everyone sounds so sad when they talk about it. Almost everyone besides us saw that time and- and..." Sabre let out a deep sigh. "Just wish the world was safe..."

Light thought briefly of Void and his minions. "Yeah..." At least Light could understand that feeling well enough.

Sabre yawned, his eyes closing slightly before they opened again. Light huffed. "Why don't you go back to sleep?" Light offered.

Sabre frowned, giving him a displeased look. "Don't wanna see Rain's death again."

The name took a bit to place, but when it clicked Light couldn't stop the wince. "I don't think you'll have the same dream, Sabre."

Sabre just gazed up at him, another yawn escaping him. "I'm not sleeping." He mumbled determinedly

Light huffed. "Alright. Well, guess we're not then."

Sabre narrowed his eyes. "You need sleep."

"So do you."

"Not sleeping. You."

Light shook his head and he leaned back in the chair. Guess that was the same with Sabre at least. Sabre shuffled quietly, curling up in a tighter ball. The rag nearly fell off, making Light lean forward and correct it.

Sabre huffed, but didn't make any other sound. Light hummed, filling the quiet room. Sabre's gaze went to him at the noise, before it went back to staring off into space. It was too dark still to see much of the room.

Light smiled when he noticed Sabre's eyes droop, before opening again. Sabre yawned, mumbling something underneath his breath.
Light huffed when not even five minutes later Sabre was out once more.

Light gazed at Sabre. Maybe Violet was right, and Sabre's memories were just being screwed up by this sickness.

But on the other hand, Sabre didn't know about the Rainbow Kingdom, so what was the Rainbow Town? Was that what Sabre's hometown was called?

Light groaned, running a hand through his hair. He hoped they could figure this out soon, since he's going to get a headache from all this soon.

— — —

Words: 1843

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