23: Secret (Betrayal AU)

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Thera walked by himself down the kingdom streets; The epitome of peace even if internally he felt the exact opposite.

Thera couldn't believe the news the Leaders just dropped on them.

Sabre. Exiled.

Thera wasn't sure if he felt sick at the fact Sabre was unrightfully exiled, or at the fact a good chunk of the Steves celebrated the news. As if it was a good thing the Leaders had to exile Sabre for him to be safe.

Thera passed the threshold of the center of the Kingdom into the Green Sector, the houses reflecting that. Some days he wished he didn't live so close to the walls, but now, after seeing how many people truly hated Sabre, he was glad he lived far away from the general hustle and bustle of people.

He shivered. If any Steve found out Thera was still friends with Sabre...

Well, he's heard from Sabre how low some Steves are able to go. Thera was just glad that there was a spot in the World Below for those Steves. They didn't deserve the peace the World Beyond would give them when it is their time.

Thera huffed, turning a corner, waving at a few fellow Green Steves that were out.

Thera needed to start packing. Besides Time and maybe, just maybe Light, Thera likes to say he knew Sabre truly. Their friendship started before he even became Therapist Green Steve. Was it typical for friends to become a therapist and patient? No, but Thera knew Sabre wouldn't be willing to talk to a complete stranger, so he willingly overlooked that little fact.

What he wasn't going to overlook was the consequences of the Leaders' actions. It seems as if the thought of exiling Sabre wasn't a good one. Sabre wasn't too trusting anymore, and any trust the Leaders had with him was crushed.

Thera relaxed when his house was able to be seen. Even without saying anything, it was like everyone already knew he thought the exile was stupid.

It was, Thera wasn't going to deny that, but he wasn't going to shout it from the rooftops.

Nope. He was going to leave before anything else happened.

Thera wanted to leave and find Sabre, but the Kingdom was in a soft lockdown at the moment. With the Darkness being seen close by, the Leaders didn't want to take any chances and wasn't allowing anyone but Resource Gathers and Colorless Guards to leave.

Thera, who was neither, wouldn't be allowed to leave.

Thera froze, his hand just about to make contact with his doorknob.

The Darkness was seen close by. Sabre was just exiled.

The Darkness was close by.

Thera opened the door and shut it with a quickness. "They couldn't have been this dumb..." He slid against the door, holding his head in his hands.

Thera moved packing up on his list of to-dos.

Sabre's trust in them was crushed, leaving two options for him. Either find somewhere far away to live......or join Void.

Thera knew Sabre, and he knew Sabre wasn't the one to let grudges go.

He gave a bitter laugh, looking up at the ceiling. "This kingdom is screwed." He spoke to the air. "Just give me some time to leave Sabre."

Thera was glad he finished unpacking a few days ago. It took a few weeks, since living by yourself in the woods was a lot more demanding, but he managed it.

He hummed as he quietly walked through the woods, heading to a berry patch nearby. While he did have a garden out back, wild grown berries taste different.

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