Event January 22, 2024

939 60 8

Max walked into the dark room with Film in tow. Dad is with me. It is very early in the morning. They had to sneak Film here. The Panichs are watching him. Max said Film knows what he needs to do and is willing. Now we must hope I don't reject him.

The first thing Film does is give me a big maternity plushy in the shape of a sun. He made sure to scent it with his pheromones. He hands the sun to Max, and Max passes it to my dad. I am either too tired to react, or this is a good sign. The first good sign we have had in a while.

We wait until I am ready. I am already eying my hospital nest trying to figure out where to put the big plushy. I nod at my dad, and he hands me the sun. It is so soft and squishy. It smells like an alpha, but it is not disgusting. It's not Zee but, I don't hate it. I look at my dad and he beckons Film into the room.

Film stops in front of the door. Not making eye contact, he lets me look at him and smell him. Everyone who comes into my room controls their pheromones, so it is a little weird to smell Film in here. I am holding the plushy that smells like him while I look at him.

I look at my dad again, and he nods at Film. Film sits in a chair and looks at me briefly. Then speaks.

"Look inside the sun. There is a surprise."

I turn the plushy this way and that until I see a little pocket. I put my hand in and pull a baby star out of its belly. I start to tear up.

"Are you ready NuNew?", Film asks.

I am scared but I think of Strawberry. It feels like I am betraying Zee, but I don't want us to die. I nod.

Right away I noticed a difference. He used calming pheromones, and it worked. I am calmer. I let out a big sigh and lie down.

"Can I sit near you Nhu?", he asked.

Too tired to care, I say nothing, and he perches on the edge of the bed.

"I am willing to help NuNew. If you want me. I will take the medicine so I can give you the hormones you and Strawberry need."

Wow, Max really prepared him. I look at Max and he winks. It's hard to hate him after everything he has, done for me. Nat does not even know all Max has done to help us. Max's request. I look at Dad, and he nods.

"Okay, but only until Zee comes. Zee is my alpha.", I say.

He smiles and pats the bed. He knows better than to touch me.

"You are a very good omega. I can't wait to tell Zee."

"Thank you for helping."

And I am grateful. This perfect stranger who has work and life commitments is willing to rearrange everything so we can live. I reach for Kitty and Film hands it to me, I drift off.

"Wow, that was like magic. I swear he is normally scary lethal, but he was so docile for you.", Max said.

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