Handwritten Letter February 9, 2024

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Dear Zee,

Are you looking at the evening sky? I am. I still try to come out to look at the stars every night and think of you. I wish for your health and safety. I ask you to come home.

I must sound like a broken record. Come home...come home...come home.

We are almost halfway through this pregnancy. It has gone so fast. Strawberry is starting to move around a lot. Her favorite time to kick is right when I lay down to sleep. No, Strawberry...WHY? I try to calm her down. I rub my belly and sing her favorite song. Yes, she has a favorite song. How do I know? I am her mommy. Mommies know everything about their babies. Ha, Ha.

Do you want to know her favorite song? It's Baby Beluga, by Raffi. You need to learn it so you can sing to her. Can you sing? I don't think I have ever heard you sing. Even when we went to karaoke. I remember you loved to hear me sing. Your encouragement helped me get over my shyness. Now James and Nat can't shut me up.

I have not seen my boys in a while. We don't want them involved in the mess. They send me text messages and snacks when Dr. U visits. They are my best cheerleaders.

I am still writing, but work has relaxed my deadlines. I like working like this much better. My writing is more organic, and I have remembered why I love to write. I think I should write when I am inspired, not because of the brutal whip of an editor.

Other than researching baby stuff in my nest, and occasionally working, also in my nest, I don't do much other than eat, sleep, and play with Strawberry. And wait for my shexy alpha to show up and scent me off my feet. LOL, I have to ask Dr. U. if sex is allowed. Shocking! Scandalous! How can a pregnant woman think about sex? OMG since becoming pregnant, I have had these dreams... Maybe if you are very good, I will tell you about them.

I am tired, Hia. It's time to leave my nest and lie down on my bed. I would sleep in my nest, but my mom is here, and she won't let me.

"You don't want to start any bad habits, like eating and sleeping in your nest."

She is so old-fashioned. Everybody sleeps in their nest. Most omegas incorporate their beds as part of their nest. Oh, I should warn you. My dad is the best alpha, but he is an old-school alpha. So, he may give you a hard time at first, but he is all bark and no bite. You are just going to have to take it. Sorry.

I hope you are well and on your way. Maybe tomorrow will be the day you show up at my door.



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