Zee's POV Event June 19, 2024

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Dr. U. turned away from the monitor and assumed a formal tone and speech which I have learned means, here is some bad news.

"I am going to diagnose NuNew with Prodromal Labor for a few reasons. His contractions were consistent and regular, but never intensified over time and his cervix has not dilated or thinned. Strawberry is breached which means her feet, or in this case her bottom,"

Dr U pointed to the frozen screen where we could see Strawberry's legs are crossed and her little bottom is where her head should be.

I am hoping the Prodromal Labor is happening because mom and baby are naturally trying to correct the position before the actual labor. This is the most common reason for Prodromal Labor and in males about one-third of labors are breached. It has to do with the shape of the uterus in male omegas. So, the Prodromal Labor is a good sign."

She paused for us to ask questions.

"Will Strawberry be, okay? What can we do?", asked Nhu.

Dr. U. smiled and took both of our hands in hers.

"I made that sound scary, didn't I? I am sorry. No matter what, everything is going to be fine. First, we are going to do a procedure called an ECV, External Cephalic Version. I am going to push on your abdomen and encourage Strawberry to move. Then we will monitor. If it does not work or you don't resolve on your own, I strongly recommend a c-section. Having a breached pregnancy naturally can result in avoidable lifelong disabilities for the baby. Like hip dysplasia."

"If you follow my recommendations, everything will be fine. I promise.", Dr. U. said.

Dr. U squeezed our hands and smiled.

"This is very normal. This is nothing like before, okay? I did not forewarn you because of psychological reasons."

She was referring to what happened to Nhu while I was missing, and I felt an enormous wave of guilt. I felt worry coming from Nhu through our bond. I thought the worry was for himself and the baby, but my kind-hearted omega only had eyes for me and began to softly scent me. He was concerned for me. That sentiment and the pheromones calmed me. Feeling loved is the most incredible sensation in the world. It makes me mourn my youth and the child who never got that.

"Do you want to try the ECV?", asks Dr. U.

"Will it hurt Nhu or Strawberry? Is there any risk? Will it work right away?", I asked.


We made an appointment for the next day. Dr. U. wanted us next to an operating room during the procedure in case NuNew went into labor. If he does, we will have the cesarean right away. If not and it works, we will have a normal vaginal birth. If it does not work, then we will schedule a cesarean.

After filling out reams of paperwork, they attached a heart monitor to Nhu so we could monitor Star's heart. We listened for a bit while Nu and I chatted about middle names. We have not picked one yet.

When Dr. U. came in, she looked at the heart rate data gave Nhu a shot and then greased up his belly. The entire procedure took 5 minutes. It looked like a deep-tissue massage. It was a little uncomfortable, but now Strawberry is in the correct position and after a few more hours of monitoring, we were able to go home. Now we wait for Strawberry to come. It's all up to her to decide.


Week 37 of your pregnancy is Jun 18, 2024 - Jun 24, 2024

Baby is considered full-term

Baby is taking up most of the room in your womb so he's only kicking and poking you, no more somersaults. Baby is sucking her thumb, blinking her eyes, and inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid.

Lost AlphaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz