Angel Stereotypes

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This takes place in the mafia AU between chapters 11 and 15, but it won't contain major spoilers, pretty much just one oc who was present in those chapters.

For those who haven't read my mafia AU, there are what is known as hybrids who are fairly common, but angel hybrids being the most rare have a good amount of mystery to them, leading to what you may see in this oneshot.

Bryan's POV

As an attempt to get out of the house for a bit, Inpu decided to take me with him while he went to pick up an order he sent someone out to get.

Since he practically ran the city, he didn't even try to hide that much, the only difference he had was that he was wearing more relaxed clothes over his normal suit.

Our conversation was pretty small since we knew pretty much all of what was new with each other and we couldn't find anything of interest to talk about.

We got to an alleyway after a good amount of silence and he just had me stay outside so I didn't have to get involved but I was still in eye view.

I just grabbed my phone and started to play the first game that seemed to interest me in the moment.

Vivian had been texting me to try and get me to come back since she always thought when both Inpu and I were gone, we were doing something together, but I chose to ignore her, not thinking much of it.

Not long after, a man walked up to me, clearly trying to get my attention.

"Can I help you?"

"I heard the only angel in town is hanging out with my friends husband, I wanted to figure out if it was true"

"Well, considering that's me, I don't think its true, I'm only here because I was asked to be"

"You sure, I know what you angels are like, especially you male angels, you think you're so innocent despite the fact all you do is sleep with married men"

"What? that makes no sense"

"Oh, so you are pulling the innocent card, follow me, I'll show you what happens when you mess with my friend"

"Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about, please leave me alone"

"I'll make you know what I'm talking about"

He started to pull at my arm, trying to make me follow him.

My mind started to go crazy because of how scared and confused I was.

I wasn't dragged far since before he could get me just out of eye shot from the alley, Inpu came out from around the corner and pulled me over to him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" [Inpu]

"Stay out of it, I'm just trying to get my husband to follow me, he hasn't been in the best mind set recently" [???]

"Husband you say? Then why is my roommate who's stayed with me the past few months clearly scared by you?" [Inpu]

"You've been with another guy! All you angels are the same, just trying to get into people's pants!" [???]

"I've never seen you in my life, stop claiming I'm stuff that I'm not" [Bryan]

"Oh come on, regardless of if you know me or not, all you angels just want to sleep with people, I know you probably have a high body count" [???]

"Dude, that's so inappropriate, where did you even hear this?" [Inpu]

"Let the angel tell you, I'm sure he'll have you in his room later anyways, if he doesn't tell you, that'll show you" [???]

He walked away soon after and all I could do was stand there, just shaking in shock.

Inpu had told some of his men who were there something, but I couldn't tell what since I was loosing all my senses because I was stressed.

Once Inpu noticed how startled I was, and just grabbed me hand before he took me and we left.

We got back to his apartment and I just went to sit in the living room while he went to put away his package.

I was used to hearing about all the stereotypes angels had, especially all the negative ones against male angels since they were even more rare, but I never had anyone call me them to my face.

There was a blanket on the couch that I just put over my head so I wouldn't be seen, I just felt so embarrassed to be called a bunch of different negative stereotypes in front of someone as high and mighty as Inpu.

While I was just hiding on the couch, I heard Vivian talking just outside of the room while laughing at me.

I had a feeling it was her, but I didn't want to assume anything since I knew Inpu was willing to kill her.

After a while, I thought I was finally left alone, until I heard someone enter the room again.

"Do you mind taking the blanket off so we can talk about what happened earlier?"

As soon as I heard him walk in, I knew it was Inpu, but I didn't want to show my face.

He placed a glass of water next to me while I felt him sit down next to me.

"Why did that guy act like you were just some toy over another person?"

"Because one male angel got on the news years before I was born because he slept with a ton of different people and was caught, so since then, male angels have been seen as promiscuous"

"So because of something that happened years ago, you have to live with the consequences?"

"Yup, I think the guy was trying to claim I was his husband thinking I'd actually follow him and sleep with him"

"That's something I hate about stereotypes, they just make already bad people worse"


Inpu was about to pull me closer to him when we heard Vivian enter the room, which caused him to stop, but I could see he was frustrated.

"How was each of your day today" [Vivian]

"Have you ever thought about leaving the room?" [Inpu]

"Your father made you sign the papers, as long as we are legally married, you have to deal with me" [Vivian]

"Well, if yo-" [Bryan]

"I didn't ask you, angel" [Vivian]

"Learn his damn name, you calling him angel can be seen as degrading" [Inpu]

"Oh, come on, angels are perfect, they aren't degraded by anything" [Vivian]

"That's what you think" [Bryan]

"Oh yeah, one of my friends said they saw you today, angel, how did that go" [Vivian]

"Vivian, leave the damn room before I bash your head in" [Inpu]

She looked scared for a good minute before she left.

All her asking the question did was confirm my suspicion as to who did it, and it still made me feel like shit.

"You know, I was going to douse her food with minor laxatives since I can't do anything yet, now I'm tempted to just have the maids do it for me and we just go out for dinner instead"

"Do you have a meeting or something?"

"Yeah, but I feel wrong leaving you here, you in?"

"Why not, anyone I know or just mafia stuff?"

"Mafia stuff, but I already informed the people I'm meeting up with I might bring a friend, they said they wouldn't mind as long as you aren't a jerk"

I just laughed before Inpu pulled the blanket off of me followed by him picking me up.

We left soon after, and let's just say Vivian had an...interesting night alone.

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