Evil Inpu AU

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Only reason I'm even posting this is cause I have the story bored for the mafia AU done, but have no idea how to write this, so until I figure it out, enjoy the AU ideas and prologues I've randomly had pop into my mind while trying to write other stories.

So like the title says, this is an AU where Inpu is evil, but the story of the world is pretty different.

Instead of Bryan being taken advantage of by SR in his first year of camp, he joined camp the same year Inpu joined in cannon, but he only joined camp because of SR.

SR instead of being Zerintino, is a son of Hera who goes by Rose but was raised with Bryan by Aphrodite after Hera was a bad mom, but thought his mom gave him a gift his first year of camp and was evil because of that.

Rose was allowed back in camp, but he needed someone who would be able to watch him at camp so he didn't cause any trouble, so Rose asked Bryan who agreed cause Rose was like his brother.

There was a war between the Greek and Egyptian pantheons years before the first year at camp (what would have been season one) which was never fully settled, so the only Egyptian camper allowed in was Cal because he didn't know his god at first.

Anubis was one of the biggest enemies during the war, so since the war wasn't fully settled, Anubis became heavily resentful of any Greek demigods and taught his children  to kill on sight unless told otherwise.

Inpu and Bryan were both alive for the war (in my AU Inpu is 2,000 and Bryan is 1,500) but Bryan had a more empathetic view on the war cause it started over his accident while Inpu is just constantly ready attack.

From what I've described, Inpu doesn't seem too evil, but don't get me wrong, man has his evil thoughts as he's going about his day, but his most notable evil doing that I can tell here is that he killed a handful of demigods who went through his city to go to camp cause he didn't want them going through his territory.

Like I said before, I have little to no ideas for these as of right now, the prologue is just what I use to create the story board, thus being the only reason there is already a prologue, so while it may take a while to come out, hopefully it will be enjoyable.

I might speed work when school comes to an end for me cause I will have a good amount of time, but for now I'll keep doing what I've been doing which is put most of the stories as drafts, work on a few chapters when I have no other ideas on how to write chapters, and post once a book is done.

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