Fairy Dust | Prologue

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Bryan's POV

I've been on this earth for years, but never would I have thought rebuilding an entire territory would be the hardest thing I'd have to do.

I apologize, I should explain a bit more, all of this happened around 12 years ago now.

Everything seemed fine for me, my boyfriend and I were going strong despite not being able to tell our parents, our kids were openly accepted in my home which was a huge surprise for me, and my mom was teaching me to take over her role if anything ever happened to her.

Life seemed like it couldn't get better, that was until our home was attacked.

It all happened so fast, one minute I was holding my newborn son with my other kids not far from me, the next everything was up in flames.

All I could do was run and try to think up a plan.

In the end, I managed to run to some ruins I often went to spend time with my boyfriend and waited for my kids to fall asleep.

It was hard to keep all of them in my arms, but I knew I either had to make a hard decision, or figure out how to raise five kids on my own since I couldn't run to my boyfriend, so I ended up making a hard choice.

I ended up grabbing a blanket I found, tried to clean it up the best I could, and went to sneak onto the balcony to Inpu's room.

Despite having done this tons of times, it was really hard cause I had to keep three kids quiet for long enough to run in and run out, but it was also filled with guards after Inpu was caught sneaking out once.

With a heavy heart, I ended up leaving Lotus and Femi, knowing it could affect them since they didn't have their third part, but if Atlas ran into the woods and found Artemis, it would be another issue to deal with, so I had to do it the way I did.

Cut back to now, I was working on helping rebuilding the last of the treehouses that were burned in the fire all those years ago.

Most mystics in our little village had some touch with their power to help in any way, but we rarely had someone born or show up with any magic involving plants, so most of the trees we had to wait to grow before we could put back the treehouses, so for a while most were sleeping in their shops.

My kids were a good help with everything, Crystal easily took to watching most of the little kids while the adults worked, Atlas would help bring recourses to anyone who needed them, and Artemis would help where needed which was often with holding stuff in place.

The townsfolk knew I had a boyfriend before the fire and would often ask me about him cause the kids never responded, but when the fire happened, it was almost like everyone forgot everything before hand, most didn't even realize I was two kids short when I found my way back.

I had just started to head back to my home after a long day of work when I was stopped by the voices of a few people I didn't recognize.

Curiosity filled me and I began to walk over when I noticed a crest on their armor, so I made myself known.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" [Bryan]

"Oh, actually yes, I'm Xylo and this is Ashara, we're knights in the Anubis kingdom, we're here to invite one of the eldens of this village to the kingdom for a meeting with the king and his prince who is soon to be king" [Xylo]

"May I ask why he wishes to meet is now? The king tried to destroy our home years ago, what made him want us to visit now?"

"Its more of an open meeting between a handful of other kingdoms, the prince suggested to invite a mystic royal to try and get a better viewpoint on everyone views, and since our king and your queen don't get along, we were told to come here and suggest a elden to attend for your village" [Ashara]

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