Lab Rats

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So this is an idea I had recently, I don't have many ideas for it, so if I come up with something, I might make this a story, but for now it'll just be this one shot.

Basically, both Inpu and Bryan were taken from a young age and used as test subjects because of their animal features, so they were prime picking to the scientists.

Inpu is always trying to find a way to escape, any slightly open door to him is an opportunity and he always takes it, often getting caught though, while Bryan was the same for his first few years, but gave up and just listened to them.

Bryan is given more freedom cause of his cooperation, he's allowed to walk around freely and sit in on meetings around the lab and he's used less often to test things cause he keeps others calm.

That's all I really have, I don't have much to use since I don't have a lot of ideas, so enjoy!


Bryan's POV

Having lived in this lab my entire life, you'd think I'd have a good idea on how to survive, which I do, but its by keeping the lab kept around my finger.

I was terrified at first, I was young and didn't know my wings were uncommon, so I tried to fight them, but once I stopped and let them do their job, they stopped using me.

And yet, here I am, stuck on my loft, with a jackal tearing up my room to try and escape, but I guess I should explain what got me here.

It was a normal day, or at least as normal as it could get, and I was doing my normal thing of checking in on everyone.

All I was doing was walking the halls, I had to go to the other side of the facility to check on people, when out of no where, someone I had never met ran at me and we both hit the floor.

He was quick to get up, and tried to pull me up with him, but he was in a rush, almost like he had to be somewhere.

When I didn't get up with him, he just picked me up and started running again.

"Wha- HEY! Where are we going?!"

"I'm getting out of here, and since its obvious you're like me, I'm taking you with me"

"What exactly is your plan then? This place will go into lock down, plus put me down! I don't want to get into trouble"

"I'll let you down on one acceptation, when is the last time you saw the sun?"

"Not since I was little, now let me down!"

He wasn't slowing down, and a few of the scientists that saw what was going on saw my distress, so they quickly started to follow.

Issue with him picking me up, I sometimes brought people around the lab to calm their nerves, I hadn't seen him before, but some people probably thought I had.

Eventually, someone used the shocker we had in our throats to get him to stop, but since I was in contact with him, I felt it too.

Two scientists quickly restrained him while another two pulled me away before the leading scientist came over.

"So he tried to escape again?" [Leading Scientist]

"Yes, sir, and he almost took Bryan with him this time" [Scientist 1]

"Bring him to the med bay, make sure he didn't do anything harmful to him, he's our best subject cause he can calm others down" [Leading Scientist]

"Sir, if I may ask, how did he get out in the first place?" [Scientist 2]

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