Friendly Visit

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This was suggested by @alexdaisy8 as a suggestion for my normal AU, but since that story just needs parts uploaded, I figured this could go here.

Timeline is before the time skip in that story, I'd say more but even though its poorly written in my opinion, it could still be a spoiler for those who want to bare with it.

Bryan's POV

Everything had been a bit too calm for my liking as of recently, so I was patrolling camp a bit while I was just walking with Artemis since Inpu and the rest of my kids were running around doing things they were asked.

I was just walking around the Asian part of camp, just enjoying the cherry blossoms and letting Artemis try to grab them.

Since I had been just walking most of the day, I was about  to head to the cafeteria, when I heard a familiar voice.

After a bit of debating if it would be a good or bad familiar face, I decided to go towards whoever it was.

When I got there, I saw River standing outside the cafeteria and someone, who I'm guessing he knew, was walking away.

I figured it would be nice to talk with him, since it had been about six years by now, so I decided to walk over.


"Oh, Bryan, long time no see, how have you been"

"I've been good, I'm a bit more settled down now since the seductive rose is long gone by now"

"I can see that, who's this little one?"

"This is Artemis, he's actually the youngest of my kids"

"Kids you say? How many do you have?"

"Five, home is interesting with each of them running around, but its fun either way"

"You having one kid per year or something, five is a lot in such a short amount of time"

"Well, one was taken the same day she was born, so I didn't learn she existed till a few months before Artemis was born, then I have a set of triplets that are two years younger than the oldest"

"Yeesh, they're all pretty young then"

"While they are, four of them have a few, um, I guess issues, we don't count it as that, but they look and act older then they actually are"

"That's good to hear, I'm guessing this one is the only normal one?"

"If you mean normal as in he just acts like a normal demigod baby, yup"

"Considering all you've been through, I think you've earned a break in him"

"That's enough about me, what about you, last time I talked to Kay she said you got married"

"I did, my husband actually came with me today, he just went to go get me something to drink though"

"Not a problem at all, normally Inpu walks with me, but he had some stuff he had to get done"

"Only reason I trusted him alone was cause I knew he wouldn't get in trouble and camp is fairly safe now"

"Trust me, he won't get harmed in any way, if camp was still remotely dangerous I wouldn't have this little one with me"

"I'm not worried, he can defend himself, are you doing anything right now?"

"I was going to do another lap around the Egyptian area before Artemis needs to take a nap, but I'm free if you want to do something while you're in camp"

"Well, I'm going to be here a majority of the day, so why don't you get your family, I'll get my husband, and we can meet up in the outside part of the cafeteria for dinner"

"That works for me, other than what the rest of my family is doing to help camp today, we got nothing to do, so why not"

Shortly after, we finished up our conversation and I went to get the rest of my family so we could meet up for dinner.

Inpu was hesitant when I mentioned that we were meeting up with River for dinner, but he stopped fighting me about it once I mentioned that I was bringing the kids as well.

We arrived at the same time, so before we sat down, I introduced River to each of my kids and he introduced me to his husband, Elio.

Once we sat down, I felt Inpu pull me closer to him, which caused a few replied from the kids that were subtle enough where you couldn't tell Inpu wan being defensive, unless you know what each reply means, which River did since after Aphrodite's ball, I told him a good amount of stuff.

"I'm just saying, if dad really wanted to prevent third base, all he'd need to do is activate his shadow arm" [Crystal]

"Language at the dinner, you are the last one I'd expect to hear that from" [Bryan]

"She really is your child, last I checked, during one of our check ins after Aphrodite's ball you said something similar after a trip you both took to the human realm" [River]

"I'm so lost in this entire conversation, I get that its something that probably shouldn't be said here, but that's about all I got" [Elio]

"Its something we do when dad is being protective of papa, since he and River never really got along, we expected it would happen, but it doesn't stop us from messing with him" [Lotus]

"Doesn't matter what it is, dad being sappy is still lame" [Atlas]

"Thanks for that, Atlas..." [Inpu]

"If you want them to stop, you can take over feeding Artemis" [Femi]

"Is it really a big deal that you were selected to take on the task tonight, because I offered like six times to do it and you kept saying no" [Crystal]

"I'm fine doing it, he just likes being a pain when you try to feed him" [Femi]

"Sorry about all of their banter, we haven't had many guests over since Artemis was born, so table manners haven't been on our teaching list yet" [Bryan]

"The banter is part of the fun, I asked for you to bring your family, not something they're not, this doesn't bother me" [River]

"I could care less about it, kids will be kids as long as they aren't harmful, right" [Elio]

"I like the way you think, that's a great way to think about it" [Inpu]

"So I know dad and River don't get along, but is it going to be reversed now?" [Crystal]

"Gods I hope not, that would just be a pain in the butt" [Bryan]

"I'm messing with you, I know dad and River didn't get along for a few reasons" [Crystal]

"How do you know that exactly?" [River]

"Papa needs to stop leaving his diaries where we can get them, the triplets showed me where they were" [Crystal]

"You guys keep going through my stuff, that's why you keep finding it" [Bryan]

"Stop getting worked up, that's probably why they do it" [Elio]

"What makes you say that?" [Inpu]

"Simple, its more common for someone to mess with you if they like your reaction, so keep a steady head and don't react, that way they stop doing it" [Elio]

"Parenting reactions is a bit different, I get it with siblings, but I've tried that before and it hasn't stopped them, I just keep finding new places to hide them, and it appears they found it again" [Bryan]

We kept going on about random things that came to mind for a while.

Eventually the sun started to set which meant River and Elio had to leave.

Inpu and I walked them to the camp gates before they left so we could say a final goodbye before they went back to wherever they were staying.

We exchanged a few hugs and phone numbers so we could keep in touch, then they left.

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