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So I made this cause for a good few hours before voting closed, it was a coin flip between Business Owner's Secret and Pixie Dust which Business Owner's Secret won before Secret Love managed to get two more votes.

I had this one shot planned to be written and posted before the win change, so I figured while the wait for Secret Love may be long, I might as well post this to get the idea out.

I'm not going to put nay of the background info here, so if you want to find out the background info on the story, you can check out the idea page for Business Owner's Secret.


Inpu's POV

Ever since I met Bryan, my life has felt like a dream that I didn't want to wake up from.

Camp was the highlight of my year ever since that first year when I met him, and when we weren't together, we were constantly on the phone with each other when our free time matched.

For the past few years, Bryan's father has been helping me get my green card so I could move closer to him, and with that process almost done, Magnus, Solis, and I were really excited to get a better chance at life.

I really only had one thing left before we fully moved.

Bryan was coming to visit with his father, step mother, brother, and a family friend younger than him but older than his brother.

Like normal, I met them at the airport, got a few guards to grab their bags to bring them to my place without anyone finding out, then I walked with them through the town for a bit.

I was walking hand in hand with Bryan with his father on Bryan's other side, while his step mom, brother, and friend were all running ahead.

After watching them for a bit, I felt bad for Bryan's step mom, I know what its like to wrangle little kids after all.

Not wanting to seem rude, I offered for them to walk with us and I could carry one of both of them on my back, but Bryan being the kind soul he is just said that he'd run ahead of us and help with the littles while his dad and I took our time to catch up.

Since the four of them were far ahead, I was trying to think of some kind of conversation to have with Matthew, but nothing was coming to mind, what woud you want to have in common with your boyfriend's father?

My mind was racing with ideas, but thankfully for me, Matthew broke the silence.

"You know my son talks about you a lot at home?"

"No, I didn't, he's never really told me how much he talks about me to other people"

"I'd be proud knowing you have someone as loyal as him, which makes me ask, what's your plan for him?"

"Actually, I was planning on asking for your blessing at dinner tonight"

"Oh? Let me guess, you need help picking out a ring he'd like"

"No actually, with how much you've spent helping me, my sibling, and my friend, I felt bad asking for another thing, so I managed to scrape up enough money to get a decent ring for him, all I need is your blessing"

"Well, you have it, may I ask what your plan is?"

"There is an oasis not far from here, its the first place I took Bryan alone when he first came to visit, my plan was to take him there again and after some star gazing, I pop the question"

"Its a good plan, something similar I actually used with Valarie, I know he'll say yes, you just need to be yourself"

"Thank you, sir, I plan on it"

Matthew patted my back before we entered my current place so we could eat dinner.

Everything was fine during dinner, nothing was really of note other than the fact Magnus weirdly got along great with Dylan and Adrian.

Once dinner was done, I convinced Bryan to head out with me before we excused ourself so we could head out.

We made it to the oasis right as the sun was setting, so I laid out a blanket on the grass before the two of us just started to cuddle up.

"You ever think about what the gods would think about the two of us being together?"

"What makes you ask that?"

"Simple, I'm a Greek demigod of love, you're an Egyptian demigod of death, we're complete opposites, yet we get along perfectly"

"Hey, it doesn't matter what our god parents would think, they left us when we were at our most vulnerable stage of life, if they have anything negative to say about us, we can ignore them, we have a much better life without them, which is where I need to bring up something else"

"Oh, and what would that be?"

"Look, we've been dating a good amount of time now, and with me about to get my green card so I can move closer to you and with both of us turning 17 soon, its made me realize how much time I want to spend with you"

"Alright, you've got my attention, say what you need to say"

"With how well our relationship has been recently, I think we should take the next step, so even if we're in this phase for a few years, I want you to marry me"

Bryan was a bit taken aback, I could see on his face that he was in shock.

After a bit, I noticed he was stuttering to the point he couldn't form words, so since we were alone, I fully let out my ears and tails to show him I felt safe, that way he'd feel safe enough to give me an answer.

He took a deep breath before letting his wings out, but once he proved to me he was calm, he quickly hugged and kissed me before repeating "yes"  over and over again.

We both celebrated a bit before we ended up nearly falling to the ground.

"I really can't believe you said yes"

"You expected me to say something else!"

"No, but with the stress I felt your father put on me earlier, I didn't know what to expect"

"You actually went to get his blessing? You know he would've said yes"

"It was the formality, nothing else"

"Still, it was a nice gesture, I'm glad you'd follow every tradition for me"

"Hey, if I'm going to love and care for you, I might as well do it the way you know best"

We both went back to laying down on the blanket, but the rest of the night was something I didn't want to forget.

There was nothing I loved more than stargazing with the love of my life, but it all felt so magical now knowing we'd soon be spending the rest of our lived together.

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