Nameless Story (As Of Writing This) | Prologue

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???'s POV

"Mom, can you tell me a story?"

"What kind of story do you want to hear?"

"Some kind of hero story, or maybe a prophecy"

"Well, I can't tell you which it is, but I think I have one I can tell you, think you can stay awake long enough to listen?"


"Alright, my little love, the story starts-"

Then right before I could let the dream happen, I shot awake.

Bryan's POV

As of recently, I've been having tons of strange dreams, none of them seemed related, but at the same time, they all felt related in some way, but they ended before I could figure it out.

Every time I had one of those dreams, I'd always wake up covered in sweat and shaking, but I never had any reason to other than the feeling of worry when I'd have the dream.

Of course, this was one of those morning after the dreams, so I just tried to get up and act like it was normal.

I just went to the kitchen where Inpu was cooking breakfast and put my head on his shoulder as he cooked.

He just let out a small giggle before kissing my cheek.

"Sleep better than usual?"

"I wish, I had another one of those dreams again"

"Which one was it this time?"

"It was a new one, it was a young child, that easily could've been a younger version of me, but he was asking his mother to tell him either a hero story or a prophecy, and right before the story could start, I woke up"

"Did the kids mom sound like your mother?"

"Yeah, but I couldn't tell if it was me or my brother she was talking to"

"You have a brother?"

"I used to, we used to adventure together before I eventually went to camp, a few months before we met, he passed away and it was ruled as a homicide, I just feel bad for my nephew"

"After all these years of knowing you, I know you would've taken in your nephew in a heartbeat, why did you?"

"My sister in law isn't a great person with my side of the family, something about Aphrodite and Hades not getting along great, all I know what that I offered to take my nephew cause she never really cared for him, but she just yelled at me and claimed I wasn't going to be a good parent for him"

"Well, that's bullshit, I've seen you with our kids, you're a great parent!"

"Thank you, but something about her words just never sit with me"

"May I ask why?"

"She always treated my nephew like he was a random object that would get in the way, then the second I said I wanted to take him in to help her, she acted like I was taking away a large amount of money, something just didn't feel right"

"Do you have contact with your nephew?"

"Not at all, I've tried to search for him for years, mostly around when we got married so he could get away from his mom, but I've never found anything"

"What's his name? I have a few connections in the underworld, so if any of them know him, I can easily help you find him"

"Zachary Hades Aphrodite, last time I talked with him, he claimed he was very quiet, but I wouldn't doubt if anyone in the underworld knew his mom who often mentioned him"

"Not sure how much I can get, but I'll try to get in contact with him, I feel like its only fair after all you've been through"

"Have I every told you how much I love you?"

"Every single day, you can either go back to bed or make a cup of coffee, I'll finish making food and wake up the kids"

I just continued to rest my head on his shoulder for a bit then made myself some coffee and took my breakfast so I could get ready for the day.

???'s POV

As the sun came up, I just continued home so I could get some actual sleep, not wanting to wake up the others.

Once I got inside, I just started to head to my room, but was stopped when I heard the sound of my cousins lullaby for her brother.

Knowing she also probably didn't get any sleep, I decided to stay up a bit longer and see what her issue was.

"Is he actually asleep or close to it?"

"I just got him to sleep, was kinda hoping I'd be awake by a normal time, but I guess not"

"Arti's sick again, isn't he?"

"That's what I'm thinking, he still has no normal symptoms, but he is also the only one of us who wasn't treated with chemicals to the same extreme, so I really don't know"

"Hey, it'll be ok, eventually we'll figure out our powers and find our families, I know it!"

"And once that happens what will you do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your only trusted family member isn't with us anymore, you said yourself that you don't have anywhere to go, so what's your plan?"

"Maybe find my uncle, see if he has anywhere I can go, my father's brother was always nice to me, but I never managed to stay in contact with him, so that could be a dead end"

"Hey, if this whole finding out families thing doesn't work out, the three of us stay here in the treehouse, it'll just be a grandchild of Aphrodite house"

"At least you're still very optimistic, after everything that happened, I wasn't sure it would be possible..."

I just went quiet for a bit before glancing at my wing, trying to remember when we lived peacefully without a fear of harm.

"Have you used to only having one wing even a little?"

"Nope, not being able to fly is the worst, I don't know how to cope with it still"

"Probably makes running from the hunters a lot harder"

"It does, if it weren't for the fact I do the night shift, I'd probably offer to stay here and watch Artemis while you go get food and any gear we may need"

"Hey, Zach?"

"What's up, Kris?"

"Promise me, once our power fully comes out that if something every happens to me, you find my parents and bring Arti to them"

"Where's this coming from?"

"Just promise me you will"

"Alright, I promise I'll bring him to them if you ever get killed, why is this thought coming up?"

"I've been having weird dreams recently, I don't know what they mean, but every time I wake up after one, I always wake up to Phoenix barking at another jackal that just runs whenever I see it"

"Great, another thing to deal with"

"Hey, we're demigods of love and death, only difference is our non Aphrodite parent, if I didn't already have my little brother, you'd be a good next choice"

We both just let out a small laugh as we continued to walk to our rooms, only stopping our conversation when we had to get some sleep.

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