Fangs And Feathers

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This is based off of a random head cannon I just came up with and wanted to write this cause otherwise I wouldn't get to really write it anywhere.

Basically, to start, anyone of Anubis blood has a taste for flesh, but if they have to pick what part tastes the best, its the heart.

It isn't anything to worry about, its just a random taste that comes on every now and then, but if there is a situation where they can get their hand on a heart, they will eat it without hesitation.

That being said, when Inpu and Bryan started dating, whenever Inpu would stay over, there would be times he's try to take small bites of Bryan.

Most of the time, he'd catch himself and stop, not letting Bryan know about what happened, but this oneshot is what happens in the small chance he doesn't notice.


Inpu's POV

Anubis blood is weird.

There is always a constant taste I have for just meat, but it gets worse whenever I have the rare instance of wanting flesh.

I don't know why, but my taste got a lot stronger when Bryan started cooking for me, probably just with how well he made everything, but it still sucked cause no matter how much I ate, I just wanted more.

Ever since Cleopatra Ball, I've been struggling a bit with my taste, so I was trying to fall asleep before Bryan every time I stayed over.

Today was one of those days, but I wasn't trying to sleep this time.

I was just in the office, trying to study the soul crystal for my beloved fiancée, but after a few hours, I began to grow tired.

Bryan had a few different pairs of clothes for whenever I slept over, so I just changed before I got into bed with him.

He just curled up to me when I got into bed, so I just tried to fall asleep, but I wasn't that lucky.

My taste for flesh began to come up, and I began to lose focus on what was around me.

All I could smell was the vanilla scent that Bryan's shampoo had, but in the moment, I couldn't fully recognize it.

I just started to focus on his wings as he swayed them gently in his sleep.

Not really thinking about it, I just bit his wings, getting a few loose feathers in my mouth in the process.

Bryan shot awake while I tried to get the taste of his feathers out of my mouth.

He looked around the room panicked before looking at me confused.

"Inpu, did someone break in?"

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"I felt someone bite my wing, you don't seem like the type of person to bite, so I wasn't sure if I'm going crazy or if someone actually bit my wing"

"Oh! must have been your imagination then, I don't sense anything..."

"What did you do?"


"You seem guilty of something, so what did you do?"

"Promise you won't be mad with me?"

"Alright, I promise, now talk"

"So being a child of Anubis has its down sides, one of those being a taste for flesh, and if given the chance, a human heart"

"Did you bite me in my sleep?"

"I guess so, whenever I get the taste, I often don't notice the victim, I've been close before, but I've stopped myself in the past"

"So you went for my wings thinking I wouldn't wake up"

"From what I've gathered myself, yeah, it just sucks because normally it makes me feel more like a wild animal over a person"

Bryan didn't respond, he just went back to laying down on the bed before pulling me down so my head was on his chest.

He just started to pet the back side of my ears, and I felt my tails begin to wag.

With everything going on at camp, a moment like this was definitely needed, I just didn't expect it would happen because of this.

"If it makes you feel better, I would never call you an animal is bad heart because of your jackal like tendencies"

"I'm glad you're ok that I bite"

"Just don't do it at bad times, that way we don't have any issues"

" smell like vanilla"

We both just laughed a bit before actually going to bed.

Time skip to after Bryan was revived and SR was defeated again (still Inpu's POV)

Ever since Bryan returned to camp, I really hadn't been leaving his side out of fear something would happen.

He was just talking with Xylo and Cal while I was just holding my husband close to me.

The other two clearly noticed how clingy I was, but didn't bring it up.

I wasn't really thinking too much, so I gave a small bite that ended up hitting a nerve, causing Bryan to freeze for a second, then yell my name.

All I did was glance at the situation, then shrugged it off.

It was clear Xylo and Cal were a bit confused, so Bryan gave a quick explanation about my weird jackal like tendencies.

After he explained it, I heard both of them let out small laughs, followed by them asking questions about other things jackals do in curiosity of what I do when I'm not helping with something.

We all laugh at it again, before they go back to their conversation, but once they were gone, that was when Bryan realized it was a good time to bring up my bites.

"I thought you didn't like biting in public"

"Normally I don't, but I was hungry and you were right in front of me"


"I won't do it again, it was just something I missed doing with you"

"What, the biting or messing with me in front of others?"

"Messing with you, but you know I love you"

"Yeah, I guess I do~"

We both shared a kiss before going around camp to help wherever needed.

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