Bi Panic

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I know this is a Brypu oneshot book, but the oneshot idea came up and I had to do it

So this is an AU combination one shot between my "normal" AU and @alexdaisy8's AU for a story they're working on. (alexdaisy is allowed to repost this if they want as long as credit is given)

This does need a bit of context, so to start, in my AU, Atlas is gay like his fathers while in Alex's AU, he's bi, which I'm using in theirs for reasons that will become clear later, this was made off of a random conversation we had.

This also takes place in the future so Atlas is a teenager instead of being 3 (I'd say 16-18, no idea on what the year would be)

OCs in this that belong to me:

Flyn, son of Mors and Korina

Alex's OCs:

Ember, daughter of Kaiba and Ashara

Kai, son of Kaiba and Ashara

Now that that's out of the way, enjoy the oneshot!


Atlas POV

Despite being the least social of my siblings, I do seem to have the highest chance of being asked to do stuff with the few friends I have. 

Normally we go on some type of adventure, or we just go run around camp, but today was a bit different from other times we've decided to hang out.

We decided to just hang out in the bathhouse in the Asian part of camp, which normally I would've denied, but we got badly hurt on our last adventure so it was kinda needed.

It had changed in previous years, so instead of being a giant bath in a single room, meaning you had to enter how you planned to stay, it now had changing rooms so we met up outside, went to get changed, then just stayed inside.

I thought it wouldn't be an issue, after all, its just my friends, but it seemed like I was wrong since as soon as we each finished getting changed, my mind began to race.

Flyn, Kai, and Ember didn't seem to notice, thankfully, but I felt my face just turn red and I tried to stay as deep in the water as I could so they couldn't notice.

As much as I thought I could handle it until they were ready to go, I ended up leaving after about an hour because my mind was racing so much.

All I said was that I needed to help dad with something, but I knew they were a bit suspicious about my sudden schedule issue.

Once I got home, I just went to the living room where dad was and face planted into the couch.

"You're home early, did your friends not want to adventure that long aster what happened last time?"

"No, I had to leave early because all my friends are hot and my mind started to race"

I could hear dad close him book and put it down before he gave me the look of keep talking.

"What do you need to know about dating?"

"How did you know to pick dad out of all the people you could've picked?"

"Simple, I didn't pick him, he picked me, the panic you probably feel was fairly common for him when we met though"

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"Your other father wasn't ready for the second year of camp after what happened in his first year, so when he got to camp and saw a bunch of people with abs out or barley covering up, I remember he had a look of shock that he was in the same room as everyone else"

"Then how did he know to pick you?"

"No idea, all I know was I came to visit him and he decided to use that visit as his way to kiss me, which I liked so we started dating, I think one of his powers is the ability to see people's ideal types, so that could've added to it"

"So papa was your ideal type?"

"I didn't know my type, the most I can tell you about mine is your other father, so don't ask me what that's about"

"You just understand each other, that's how you went forward, you listened and adapted to each other"

"I guess you could say that, then there's you who is incredibly indecisive and can't tell who to date"

"Daad, stop"

"You're bi with a male lead, I'm gonna mess with you for the fact you are attracted to your two male friends and one female friend, it really reminds me of Bryan all those years ago"

"If you're gonna mess with me, at least tell me who papa found attractive so I can mess with him"

"Only one you'll know is Dran, but even then, that was really short lived because of other things that happened that year"

"Do you have any books on love?"

"Atlas, I want you to remember who your grandmother is then ask me that again"

"...Where in the library are they?"

"Third shelf behind the desk, they're in order on how a relationship should go, all I ask is you stay away from the ones closer to marriage, Bryan will kill me if he find out you read those ones"

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