The Demon and The Angel | Prologue

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Bryan's POV

After 18 long years listening to the teachings of this damn cult about the demon they worship, I knew my suffering was finally coming to an end.

I knew I never listened enough to get any leadership roles, and my angel features never got me many bonus points, so I knew as soon as the moon rose, I'd be sacrificed.

A member of the cult, who usually came around the time the abandoned kids turned 18, had been hanging out with me recently, which just added to my stress about what would happen to me.

The most he'd do is bring me better food then what was offered to me normally and talk to me about what I should expect if something were to happen.

He never gave me his name, and I never really wanted to know, so I just let him talk to me while I only gave small responses.

I knew it was my time to be sacrificed when they brought a new set of clothes that looked a lot fancier then I was normally allowed to wear.

I got changed quickly since I just wanted to get it over with, and they brought me to the ceremony room.

They told me everything I already knew by starting with that I wouldn't be getting a leader role and continued by saying that, also as I expected, I'd be given to their demon as a sacrifice.

I'd seen it done a few times before, so when they started, I just tried to stay calm, knowing any panic could cause the demon to attack.

As the ceremony continued, I began to feel myself growing tired and eventually passed out.

When I woke up, I was in a very fancy bedroom with no idea as to where I was.

Once I was awake enough to process, I realized that not only did I not know where I was, but I realized that my clothes were messy and I was struggling to stand, so I began to think the worst had happened.

I began to panic when I heard the door open and a few girls, who seemed to have horns, entered the room.

"His highness had requested to see you once you awoke, he asked us to also bring you a change of clothes"

"Why does he want me, why aren't I dead yet"

"He'll explain it later, just get changed then follow us"

Not wanting to get hurt, I just did as I was told and followed them.

They brought me into a large throne room, where someone I could only recognize as the demon the cult would give to, was just sitting on the throne.

He noticed I had entered the room and decided to just walk towards me.

All he was doing was circling me, just trying to get a good look at every part of my body that the clothes he gave me didn't cover.

"I knew I was expecting a nice looking sacrifice, but wow, aren't you just the most beautiful gem I've ever laid my eyes on"

I didn't respond, I just tried to avoid eye contact, it was the only thing I could do with how scared I was.

"Wow, my own little gem is avoiding my gaze, its rude if you ask me"

"Did you assault me in my sleep?"

"I suppose you would be curious as to why you woke up all messed up, you'll be happy to know I didn't let anything get too far"

"What do you mean"

"The leader of that damn cult wanted to try something, once you passed out, the cult leader thought the ceremony failed since they've never had someone pass out, so the leader took you to his room to try and use you for his own gain"

"He tried to sleep with me, didn't he?"

"Tried is the key term, I was doing my own thing before the ceremony, so I was a bit late, but the second I saw he was touching the one he deemed my new gem, I was angry to say the least"

"But why do I hurt if he didn't get to do anything?"

"That is my doing, I couldn't let anyone try anything on you again, let alone have you try to run away, so I gave you my mark"

"So you did try to sleep with me"

"Not exactly, I merely left a love bite on your neck for the mark to place, my magic is what makes you hurt, I may be a demon, but I do have standards"

I just glanced down at the floor again, this wasn't something I could easily escape from, but I had no other choice but to stay.

No matter what happened, he'd be able to find me if I did leave, but for all I knew I was in another realm.

For al I knew, I was just food for another time, or a toy for him to use whenever he wanted to feel something, I wasn't safe, but I didn't have any options on what I could do.

"So what do you plan to use me for if I'm marked?"

"Simple, you are to be my bride"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You heard me right, I may be immortal, but that doesn't mean I wish to be lonely, so I go through potential sacrifices and see which ones best fit me, and that ended up being you, dear gem"

I just stood in shock, what else could I do?

As weak as I seem compared to him, I knew I was normally stronger, heck, the other day I had fought off six guys much larger than me when I snuck out and was able to fend off each of them, but when compared to a demon, I couldn't do anything.

He kept talking, and I thought since he had his back turned to me for a good amount of time, maybe I could sneak back into the room he left me in earlier.

Despite thinking my plan was food proof, once I started to walk away, he grabbed my waist and held me close to him, which caused me to start shaking.

"Gem, I'm going to say this one time and one time only, as long as you remain with me, you're not leaving my sight unless I'm leaving you in my room alone, you belong to me now and what I say goes"

I just nodded my head, as scared as I was, I knew it was in my best interest just to listen, so I did.

He picked me up not long after and brought me to what I was guessing was his room.

After a bit, he placed me on his bed and started to gently rub my sides while he pulled out a book for himself, and as much as I thought I'd hate it, it actually felt...comforting.

It felt like I had been pulled from a place that I was about to be at deaths door, to a place where I could just exist without a worry.

We stayed like that for a while before either of us said another word.

"Bryan, right?"


"Your name? Its Bryan, right?"

"Yeah, can I ask what your name is?"

"Inpu, look, Bryan, I know you're scared about everything right now, and I want you to be comfortable here, but until I have a few things under control, unless I'm next to you this is the room you will be spending all your time in, so please try to feel at home here"

"You say that as if you think I know what home feels like, I was sold to a cult when I was six months old, I have never been able to remember what home feels like"

"Then sleep well, tomorrow may be the only day in a long time I will let you bend the rules"

I felt Inpu move so he was laying sideways on the bed with his tails pointed towards me not long after.

His tails looked so soft, so when I had to get comfortable, I just tried to snuggle up in his tails, which ended up working because I fell asleep not long after.

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