Chapter 3

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Home room was a bore.. atleast there is going to be something exciting next period because apparently Mic-sensei isn't here. Since he teaches english, it's not that bad to me.

almost as if on command, the students got into groups and some went on their phone because there was no teacher. 

for hero students, u really would think they would be more responsible...

As I pulled out my phone to check if I got any messages, I got a glimpse of a conversation from the 3-E group chat. Something about the house and Fuwa. ill check later. I hope the house is still in peace-

I see Todoroki and Uraraka walk towards me and i quickly pocket my phone

"Dey Deku-kun" she says

"hello Uraraka-san, Todoroki-kun" I responded. I tried my best not to sound tired, but after the nightmares and socializing, I don't think it worked that well.

my theory was proven when Uraraka-san said her next phrase

"Deku-kun? when was the last time you slept well? your eyebags are concerning.."

well shit. Some of the class paused and looked at me. What am I supposed to do??

"I'm okay Uraraka-san! I promise! i've just been doing a lot of training that's all"

"If you say so.... Anyways.."

"Midoriya. where did you go to middle school?" Todoroki asked, catching me off guard.

sometimes, I think ritsu is my guardian angel- this is because the moment he asked that, I got a (fairly loud) call from her. What a coincidence! I knew it was nothing important, because the ringtone was calm.

most of the class got startled by the call and looked at me

"I'm sorry guys i'm gonna take that"

I ran off to the bathroom and thanked Ritsu for saving my life. I dont know how my class would react if I told them I was a trained assassin who killed my middle school teacher. 

thankfully, there were no messages being sent in the 3-E group chat

I decided to read the old ones since it was only a little

Isogai: Can someone tell me the code for the house door...

Sugino: you forgot?? no way

Isogai: what is it?

Sugino: ...

Kanzaki: 😭

Fuwa: I gotchu Isogai

Isogai: thanks..

Fuwa: 11037

I stopped reading for a second.

This girl cannot be serious... why would she make that the code??

I shook it off because i'm sure someone had said something

Meg: I know you did not just make the code to a house full of valuable future assassins numbers you found in a manga

Fuwa: ah heh heh

Fuwa: not just any manga! Its also a game and an anime! It's special because-

Nakamura: i'm gonna stop you there before you nerd out.

Itona: I can change it if you want?

Nakamura: nah. Should be fine

Isogai: Thanks Fuwa- we might have to talk about your choices though...

Bitch-Sensei: GET TO CLASS!!

Nakamura: Jeez

Well that was weird. I don't know why the code to the house is a dead boys name. It's a Fuwa thing I guess.

That's weird. why is nobody talking in the chat? Normally at this time it's blowing up.. I hope nothing bad happened

Izuku walked back into the empty class where the students were talking about something


How is he even a hero...

"No way! She's supposed to be super good at fighting and from the government too!" Kaminari said.

from the government huh? Mabye i've seen her....

Ritsu POV

As soon as i heard that little grape boy say those words, I knew it was time. I set the record button up on Nagisa's phone and hooked up to a camera from the front of the classroom. I sent a message to her.

It's go time.

Izuku POV

I had no idea who our substitute teacher was, and i don't know if i want to. The last thing I need is another Midnight-sensei

Footsteps were heard coming from the hallway and the entire class went to their seats and acted normal. the person who stepped in the room?


















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