Chapter 41

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(A/N: Chapter 41, this one's on the shorter side.. Thank you everyone for dealing with my terrible writing for so long... lmao Enjoy!)

It had been one full day since Nagisa had seen or talked to any of his classmates. And that was driving him crazy more than the fact that he was literally tied up in who knows where in Japan. 

He sighed. This was becoming something he would do a lot while waiting-- sighing. Thinking this, he sighed again. 

From what he could tell, he was moved in the night-- his surroundings changed. At first, this scared him-- would his classmates be able to find him? But then he relaxed again. They were the end class. They could do anything. They could find anyone. One time, they tracked down one of Maehara's exes and slipped a laxative in her drink!

Of course, thinking about his friends made him sulk a little. Then the doubts came in. He started to realize how bad of a situation he was in. The problem wasn't that he was tied up-- in fact, his captors were really fucking dumb to only tie him up with rope. Karasuma and Koro-Sensei once had a lesson on how to escape. The thing that scared him was the fact that he didn't know just how many people were in this building. 

Nagisa was really good at analyzing and reading a situation. Growing up in an abusive household, he picked up a few things that made him different from the rest. Out of everyone in 3-E, he had to be the most aware. During his time in this place, he could conclude 10 things. 

1.His captors all had quirks

2. They were a group that seemed to be working together for a while. (Nagisa had pretended to be asleep countless times-- and he heard how they would bicker about the most basic of things.)

3. He was in a 2 story building. (Sometimes, he would be completely silent, close his eyes, not move a muscle, and just listen. He heard chatter and movements from under him, so either there was a basement, or he was in a multi-floor building)

4. Wherever he was, there were two guards  always outside the door of the room he was in. (He heard them being instructed not to talk, but they would shuffle around, meaning that there were different guards at different times.)

5. absolutely none of his captors were assassins. (These people were way too dumb to be assassins. Surprisingly, the good assassins he had encountered, like the ones at Okinawa, taught him just how much thought an assassin had to put into a plan.)

6. The villians don't really know much about him. (If they did, they would surely have him under more secure things-- he was trained by the government, after all.)

7. The villians don't have his comms/ they don't know that people are going to come and get him. (If they had his comms, they would try and use them to get information from him and his friends)

8. His captors didn't seem to be in a rush with a plan, (they had been out of the room and on the phone-- whatever villians do)

9. They seemed to be nice to him, they didn't wan't him dead. (otherwise they wouldn't be giving him meals and water)

10. They were stalling for something. (After thinking of all his evidence, this was the only possible answer.)

He sighed in exasperation. What was he supposed to do? He was sure that his friends would go on a rampage if he was held there any longer-- and poor Hara would have to stop them from killing people. 

His new room was filled with the bare minimum. It was so bland it would drive him crazy. There was him, in the chair, a clock on the wall, and one table for when they want to take his blood or to feed him. Was this what people in a mental hospital see? Nagisa shuddered, trying not to think of being in a plain room like that for so long without human interaction. 

Deku as Nagisa Mha x ACWhere stories live. Discover now